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Bastardy Case News Excerpts, Fort Wayne, Indiana

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Allen County, Indiana, Bastardy cases as found in the Fort Wayne Daily Gazette, 1880

  • 30 Mar 1880 The case of Fannie VanCamp vs. a man named Richart before Squire Doty of Milan Township for bastardy was brought to a sudden termination by the fainting of the plaintiff. The case was adjourned until April 9th.

  • 13 Apr 1880 William Price of Terre Haute was arrested on Saturday on charges of seduction at the instance of Emma Kissner. He settled by marrying the girl. As they were quitting the squires office, the mother and sister of the girl entered and had him arrested on a charge of bastardy, the sister, Emma, being the injured party. The mother will probably be fixed up in some way.

  • 2 Jul 1880 She loved not wisely but warmly. And in consequence she now goes about with a load of woe, not to mention another burden. A little bird whispered to the Gazette yesterday, that on the 29th of June last, a young woman by the name of Louisa W. Carry, through her attorneys, Jas. F. Morrison and J. J. Jenkinson, made a complaint of bastardy against Edward W. Koontz before Justice Pratt. A warrant for Koontz's arrest was issued and placed in the hands of Jas. Wilkinson, a constable for Wayne township, for service, who returned the writ endorsed "not found in my bailwick". "The court upon hearing the evidence adduced to, and after duly considering the same, the court doth say and find said complaint true. It is therefore ordered and adjudged that this cause be certified to the Allen civil circuit court and a duly certified transcript of all proceedings had before me, together with all the original papers in the case are transmitted to said court". The plaintiff, Miss Louisa Carry, is said to be a prepossessing young woman whose reputation for charity had hitherto been unquestioned. She is said to be the daughter of a widow lady residing in the county. Miss Carry is at present lying ill at a house in this city. She charges that she was seduced in February last, and is now pregnant with a bastard child, whose father is Edward W. Koontz aforesaid. Koontz, the gat seducer, is said to be very well connected in Whitley county and is himself possessed of no small share of this world's goods. He has a brother, a harness maker, residing here. It is understood that a warrant has been issued to the sheriff of Whitley county, for Koontz' arrest, and the young man will probably give himself up to the officer of the law without causing that functionary any unnecessary trouble. There was a strenuous effort to keep the matter secret, probably in the hopes that young Koontz would "settle up". But the Gazette is not prone to keep the news from its readers, even if it has to interfere with the schemes laid by foxy attorneys, abetted by county officials. And so the readers of the Gazette have the affair as a morning appetizer.

  • 28 Nov 1880 The circuit court will consider the case of Becker vs. the county commissioners tomorrow. A bastardy case follows.

  • 1 Dec 1880 The VanCamp bastardy case is attracting good audiences.
  • 2 Dec 1880 Sup. Hillegass called at this office yesterday and stated that Geo. Aestry, who testified in the VanCamp bastardy case, is not his private secretary nor ever was in his employ.
  • 3 Dec 1880 The argument in the Van Camp bastardy case was concluded yesterday, and receiving the charge of the court, the jury retired. They succeeded after an hour's consultation in presenting the juvenile Van Camp with a male parent in the person of Ira J. Richart. Everyone connected with the case seemed to be satisfied with the result of the conclave, save Richart and his attorneys, who immediately moved for a new trial.
  • 5 Dec 1880 Milton Philley settled a bastardy case Friday. The complainant, a blushing damsel named Louisa Seabold, finding herself in an interesting condition on account of her generosity toward Barney Armack and that young man's flat refusal to make reparation, repaired to the office of Greenbaum and filed an affidavit against Benjamin. Mr. Armack pondered over the disagreeable matter and late Friday night resolved to marry the fair Louisa and not give himself any further annoyance. So his attorney, Philley, stepped lightly to the residence of Dave Spencer and thundered at the door. That usually bland official, with many objurgations, stuck his night-capped head out of the window. Being informed of the situation, he good-naturedly donned his clothing and accompanying lawyer Philley to the clerk's office, a marriage license was soon filled out, and doubtless, at this writing, Barney and Louisa are reveling in the delights of married life.
  • 31 Dec 1880 Ira J. Richart has settled the bastardy suit brought against him by Miss Fanny Van Camp by paying that interesting rural maiden the sum of $175.

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