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Allen County Census, 1880

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Name               AgeBirth PlaceLocation                                    
Gobel, Fred42GERMFort Wayne
Gobel, H. Anna46GERMFort Wayne
Gobet, Charles58FRANNew Haven
Gobet, Joseph25OHNew Haven
Gobet, Josephine20OHNew Haven
Gobet, Mary54FRANNew Haven
Gobet, Mary6INNew Haven
Goble, Fred42GERMFort Wayne
Goblentz, Lena34GERMFort Wayne
Gobrecht, Harriet V.49MDFort Wayne
Gobrecht, W. H.52PAFort Wayne
Gocke, Augustus A.27INFort Wayne
Gocke, Catherine28INFort Wayne
Gocke, Cecellia5INFort Wayne
Gocke, Clemons A.0INFort Wayne
Gocke, Edward F.3IAFort Wayne
Gocke, Francis28INFort Wayne
Gocke, Francis M.3INFort Wayne
Gocke, Henry S.0INFort Wayne
Gocke, Isabelle C.26INFort Wayne
Gocke, John F.1INFort Wayne
Gockey, Anna22INFort Wayne
Gockey, Annie19INLake Twp.
Gockey, Antony65GERMFort Wayne
Gockey, August14INFort Wayne
Gockey, Clara11INFort Wayne
Gockey, Francis72GERMLake Twp.
Gockey, Frank24INFort Wayne
Gockey, Frank6INLake Twp.
Gockey, Henry20INFort Wayne
Gockey, Joseph50GERMLake Twp.
Gockey, Joseph14INLake Twp.
Gockey, Julia17INLake Twp.
Gockey, Lewis28INLake Twp.
Gockey, Lorina6INLake Twp.
Gockey, Louis17INFort Wayne
Gockey, Mary44GERMLake Twp.
Gockey, Mary26INLake Twp.
Godfrey, Archanagel58INWayne Twp.
Godfrey, Charles40NYCedar Creek Twp.
Godfrey, Chas.40NYFort Wayne
Godfrey, Chas.9INFort Wayne
Godfrey, Claude11INFort Wayne
Godfrey, Cora12INFort Wayne
Godfrey, Elizabeth32NZEAFort Wayne
Godfrey, Esther10INWayne Twp.
Godfrey, George Frank19INFort Wayne
Godfrey, George L.29INWayne Twp.
Godfrey, Harry L.14INFort Wayne
Godfrey, Hattie8INCedar Creek Twp.
Godfrey, J. R.48MAFort Wayne
Godfrey, James32PAFort Wayne
Godfrey, James H.1INFort Wayne
Godfrey, James R.61INWayne Twp.
Godfrey, Jessie14INCedar Creek Twp.
Godfrey, John31INWayne Twp.
Godfrey, John30INWayne Twp.
Godfrey, Lewis E.18INFort Wayne
Godfrey, Lucy H.35INCedar Creek Twp.
Godfrey, Mary68PAFort Wayne
Godfrey, Mary68VTFort Wayne
Godfrey, Mary24OHWayne Twp.
Godfrey, Mary E.1INWayne Twp.
Godfrey, Maude7INFort Wayne
Godfrey, Maude S.36INFort Wayne
Godfrey, Nettie38PAFort Wayne
Godfrey, Nora3INFort Wayne
Godfrey, Paul S.3INCedar Creek Twp.
Godfrey, Roscoe16INCedar Creek Twp.
Godfrey, Verne10INCedar Creek Twp.
Goegeline, Anna30INSt. Joseph Twp.
Goegeline, Christian8INSt. Joseph Twp.
Goegeline, John32OHSt. Joseph Twp.
Goegeline, Louis2INSt. Joseph Twp.
Goegeline, Martin4INSt. Joseph Twp.
Goegeline, Tillie5INSt. Joseph Twp.
Goegline, Albert4INFort Wayne
Goegline, Barbara49GERMFort Wayne
Goegline, Caroline24INFort Wayne
Goegline, Cathrine5INFort Wayne
Goegline, Enna17INFort Wayne
Goegline, Jacob26OHFort Wayne
Goegline, John50GERMFort Wayne
Goegline, Lena28INFort Wayne
Goegline, Minnie6INFort Wayne
Goepfert, Anna8INFort Wayne
Goepfert, Bernhard43GERMFort Wayne
Goepfert, Carolina6INFort Wayne
Goepfert, Charles1INFort Wayne
Goepfert, Christian10INFort Wayne
Goepfert, Elizabetha16GERMFort Wayne
Goepfert, Katherina14GERMFort Wayne
Goepfert, Magaretha39GERMFort Wayne
Goepfert, Paulina12INFort Wayne
Goepfert, Wiliam3INFort Wayne
Goeritz, Adolph69GERMFort Wayne
Goeritz, Anna M.36OHFort Wayne
Goeritz, Charles8INFort Wayne
Goeritz, Fannie11INFort Wayne
Goeritz, Georgi10INFort Wayne
Goeriz, Annie25INFort Wayne
Goeriz, Gracy3INFort Wayne
Goeriz, Guy1INFort Wayne
Goeriz, L. T.25INFort Wayne
Goetzelmann, Hanna53PAFort Wayne
Goetzelmann, John66PAFort Wayne
Goetzelmann, Laura20INFort Wayne
Goheen, Ada Ann15INLake Twp.
Goheen, C. M.25INLake Twp.
Goheen, Catharine42INLake Twp.
Goheen, Charles19INPerry Twp.
Goheen, Nathaniel21INLake Twp.
Goheen, Perry A.8INLake Twp.
Goheen, Sarah J.49NJPerry Twp.
Goheen, William50PALake Twp.
Goings, Rollen13INSt. Joseph Twp.
Gokey, Annie19INFort Wayne
Golden, Anna15INFort Wayne
Golden, Anthony33INFort Wayne
Golden, Bertha2INAboite Twp.
Golden, Bridget48IRELFort Wayne
Golden, Catharine19INAboite Twp.
Golden, David F.19INWashington Twp.
Golden, Dory19INWashington Twp.
Golden, Edward26INFort Wayne
Golden, Ela20INMadison Twp.
Golden, Jane M.1INAboite Twp.
Golden, John28PAMadison Twp.
Golden, John0INWashington Twp.
Golden, Joseph9INFort Wayne
Golden, Julia23INMadison Twp.
Golden, Kattie8INFort Wayne
Golden, Lowiza40INWashington Twp.
Golden, Mamie12INFort Wayne
Golden, Margaret36IRELFort Wayne
Golden, Mart17INFort Wayne
Golden, Mary45IRELMadison Twp.
Golden, Mary24INFort Wayne
Golden, Mary21INFort Wayne
Golden, Naomina11INWashington Twp.
Golden, Patrick72IRELFort Wayne
Golden, Patrick22INFort Wayne
Golden, Patrik50IRELFort Wayne
Golden, Patrik12INFort Wayne
Golden, Samuel28OHAboite Twp.
Golden, Samuel22INWashington Twp.
Golden, Thos.11INFort Wayne
Golden, William53PAWashington Twp.
Goldsmith, Edna5OHFort Wayne
Goldsmith, H.40GERMFort Wayne
Goldsmith, Herman30GERMFort Wayne
Goldsmith, Hinda24VAFort Wayne
Goldsmith, Joseph75FRANCedar Creek Twp.
Goldsmith, Rellia0INFort Wayne
Goldsmith, Sadia3OHFort Wayne
Goldstone, Eliza35ENGLFort Wayne
Goldstone, John35ENGLFort Wayne
Goleke, Faronice2INFort Wayne
Goleke, George4INFort Wayne
Goleke, Josephine24INFort Wayne
Goleke, William28GERMFort Wayne
Goliver, Henry28OHPleasant Twp.
Goliver, James M.0INPleasant Twp.
Goliver, John30OHPleasant Twp.
Goliver, Margaret52PAPleasant Twp.
Goliver, Mary37OHPleasant Twp.
Goliver, Sarah J.24INPleasant Twp.
Goliver, William H.6OHPleasant Twp.
Goliver, Willie M.7OHPleasant Twp.
Golmeyer, Carline25INMadison Twp.
Golmeyer, Elizabith2INMadison Twp.
Golmeyer, Ernest1INMadison Twp.
Golthoff, Frederick48GERMFort Wayne
Golthoff, Henrietta38GERMFort Wayne
Golthoff, Louisa6INFort Wayne
Golthoff, Maria3INFort Wayne
Golthoff, William8INFort Wayne
Gombert, Catharine21INNew Haven
Gombert, Charles28GERMNew Haven
Gombert, Charles1INNew Haven
Gombert, Elizabeth20INNew Haven
Gombert, Elizabeth1INNew Haven
Gombert, Frederick28INNew Haven
Gombert, John57GERMNew Haven
Gombert, John18INNew Haven
Gombert, Margaret52GERMNew Haven
Good, Caroline42GERMFort Wayne
Good, Caroline16INFort Wayne
Good, Caroline16INMilan Twp.
Good, Frederick82GERMFort Wayne
Good, George20INFort Wayne
Good, George8INMilan Twp.
Good, Helena46GERMMilan Twp.
Good, Henry52GERMMilan Twp.
Good, Henry13INMilan Twp.
Good, Hiram25PAFort Wayne
Good, Louisa12INMilan Twp.
Good, Margret24INMilan Twp.
Good, Maria79GERMFort Wayne
Good, Mary22INMilan Twp.
Goodenough, Geo.49NYFort Wayne
Goodenough, Martha49PAFort Wayne
Goodenough, Wm.19NYFort Wayne
Goodman, Augusta12INFort Wayne
Goodman, Carolina7INFort Wayne
Goodman, Catharine23INFort Wayne
Goodman, Edward4INFort Wayne
Goodman, F. H.61FRANFort Wayne
Goodman, George19INFort Wayne
Goodman, Mary41OHFort Wayne
Goodman, May30INFort Wayne
Goodman, Theodore9INFort Wayne
Goodrich, James37OHFort Wayne
Goodwin, Alice17INLake Twp.
Goodwin, Chorls3INMaumee Twp.
Goodwin, Chs. A.14CTFort Wayne
Goodwin, Clara M.27CTFort Wayne
Goodwin, Clarra.3INMaumee Twp.
Goodwin, Edward25NYFort Wayne
Goodwin, Elizabeth27INFort Wayne
Goodwin, Emma5INMaumee Twp.
Goodwin, Florance0INMaumee Twp.
Goodwin, H. N.31CTFort Wayne
Goodwin, Howard9OHFort Wayne
Goodwin, Matilda27OHMaumee Twp.
Goodwin, Park32OHMaumee Twp.
Goodwin, Robert28INMaumee Twp.
Goodwin, Rosetia20OHMaumee Twp.
Gorden, Charles G.14OHWayne Twp.
Gorden, Elanar12OHWayne Twp.
Gorden, Pheola42OHWayne Twp.
Gorden, Samuel40CANWayne Twp.
Gordon, Anny22INWashington Twp.
Gordon, Charles W.28OHWashington Twp.
Gordon, Daniel15INFort Wayne
Gordon, Edward2INFort Wayne
Gordon, Emmet1INFort Wayne
Gordon, Georg.10INFort Wayne
Gordon, Georg. B.48PAFort Wayne
Gordon, H. K.26OHFort Wayne
Gordon, James7INFort Wayne
Gordon, John17OHFort Wayne
Gordon, Julia18OHNew Haven
Gordon, Katherina46OHFort Wayne
Gordon, Mary13INFort Wayne
Gordon, Rosa22WIFort Wayne
Gordon, Susan26INFort Wayne
Gordon, Thos.21OHFort Wayne
Gordon, W. H.60OHFort Wayne
Gordon, Wiliam19OHFort Wayne
Gorell, A. C.35OHFort Wayne
Gorell, Georgia N.17OHFort Wayne
Gorell, L. D.39OHFort Wayne
Gorell, Otis N.12OHFort Wayne
Gorham, Emma47NYFort Wayne
Gorham, Jane38INFort Wayne
Gorham, Jeremiah48CANFort Wayne
Gorham, Marcus58NYFort Wayne
Gorham, Stephen19INFort Wayne
Gorham, William13INFort Wayne
Gorman, Bridget1INLake Twp.
Gorman, Dennis24MALake Twp.
Gorman, Edward50IRELLake Twp.
Gorman, John58IRELWayne Twp.
Gorman, Kate20INFort Wayne
Gorman, Kate2INLake Twp.
Gorman, Mary25IRELLake Twp.
Gorman, Thos.35IRELLake Twp.
Gorrel, Annie60POLAJefferson Twp.
Gorrel, John56POLAJefferson Twp.
Gorrel, John25POLAJefferson Twp.
Gorrel, Joseph16POLAJefferson Twp.
Gorrell, Albert12INNew Haven
Gorrell, Allen11INSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Amanda21OHMilan Twp.
Gorrell, Angelia6INSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Crnelia22INMilan Twp.
Gorrell, Cyrus18INMilan Twp.
Gorrell, Elmer16INMilan Twp.
Gorrell, Elsa M.4INFort Wayne
Gorrell, Harriet18INSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Isaac47PASpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, J. ...4INSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Jane41NYNew Haven
Gorrell, Jeffreis19OHSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Jesse B.5INFort Wayne
Gorrell, Jessie14INNew Haven
Gorrell, John83PAMilan Twp.
Gorrell, John6INNew Haven
Gorrell, Lena7INSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Maranda13INSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Martha20INMilan Twp.
Gorrell, Mary4INNew Haven
Gorrell, Mary C.27OHFort Wayne
Gorrell, Maud2INNew Haven
Gorrell, Milo16INSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Myron13INSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Rachel44NYSpringfield Twp.
Gorrell, Sarah57OHMilan Twp.
Gorrell, Scipio36OHFort Wayne
Gorrell, William24INMilan Twp.
Gorsline, Fred F.19INFort Wayne
Gorsline, Homer23INFort Wayne
Gorsline, Jenny10INFort Wayne
Gorsline, Mina B.42OHFort Wayne
Gorsline, Sylvester47OHFort Wayne
Goshom, Jane76OHFort Wayne
Goshom, Laura18PAFort Wayne
Goshom, Rose48PAFort Wayne
Goshom, W. H.45PAFort Wayne
Goshorn, Jacob56PAFort Wayne
Goshorn, Magga14INFort Wayne
Goshorn, Nancy L.52OHFort Wayne
Goshorn, Samantha28OHFort Wayne
Gossett, A.21INFort Wayne
Gote, Conrad24GERMHoagland
Gotee, Martha43USAWayne Twp.
Gothall, Bessie K.8INWayne Twp.
Gothall, Blanche M.2INWayne Twp.
Gothall, Charles E.10INWayne Twp.
Gothall, Daniel G.6INWayne Twp.
Gothall, Elizabeth J.40OHWayne Twp.
Gothall, Leroy P.0INWayne Twp.
Gothall, Mary E.19OHWayne Twp.
Gothe, Charles31GERMNew Haven
Gothe, Charles6GERMNew Haven
Gothe, Dorothea29GERMNew Haven
Gothe, Francis1INNew Haven
Gothe, Gustav61GERMNew Haven
Gothe, Gustav2INNew Haven
Gothe, Hedvig4GERMNew Haven
Gothe, Huldah31GERMNew Haven
Gothe, Jennie3INNew Haven
Gothe, Mary41GERMNew Haven
Gothe, Richard33GERMNew Haven
Gotsch, Theodore20INFort Wayne
Gould, Amanda48NYFort Wayne
Gould, Carrol C.8INFort Wayne
Gould, D. W.25MIFort Wayne
Gould, Eliza P.33MIFort Wayne
Gould, George50NYFort Wayne
Gould, Harry A.16IAFort Wayne
Gould, James20INFort Wayne
Gould, James5INFort Wayne
Gould, Jennie M.37NYFort Wayne
Gould, Lucy18INFort Wayne
Gould, Susan23NYFort Wayne
Gould, T. H.40ILFort Wayne
Gould, Wm.9INFort Wayne
Goulden, Bridget35IRELFort Wayne
Goulden, Mary60IRELFort Wayne
Goulden, Patrick60IRELFort Wayne
Gouty, Ada14INFort Wayne
Gouty, Alex.48MDFort Wayne
Gouty, Bertha10INFort Wayne
Gouty, Catherine42OHFort Wayne
Gouty, Elvin C.5INFort Wayne
Gouty, Emma S.15INFort Wayne
Gouty, James M.50MDFort Wayne
Gouty, Laura16INFort Wayne
Gouty, Lewis E.7INFort Wayne
Gouty, Merle B.1INAboite Twp.
Gouty, Nancy37INFort Wayne
Gouty, Rashal28INAboite Twp.
Gouty, Walter O.4INAboite Twp.
Gouty, William H.28INAboite Twp.
Gouty, Willie F.13INFort Wayne
Govern, A.20NYFort Wayne
Govern, Fred19NYFort Wayne
Gowen, Angeline15INFort Wayne
Gowen, Cara12INFort Wayne
Gowen, Elizabeth35INFort Wayne
Gowen, Ella8INFort Wayne
Gowen, Estella2INFort Wayne
Gowen, Henry47MEFort Wayne
Gowen, Willie6INFort Wayne
Gowens, James18MDPerry Twp.
Gowens, Ross12INSt. Joseph Twp.
Gowge, Eliza24MIFort Wayne
Gowins, William65OHWashington Twp.

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