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1870 Mortality Schedule, Allen County, Indiana

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NameAgeGenderMarital StatusPlace of BirthMonth of DeathOccupationCause of DeathTownship
Fainer, Robert26MSOHJulFarmerFallLafayette
Farmer, Andrew3 mo.MSINJanCroupEel River
Farmer, Sarah25FMOHSepKeeping houseDropsyEel River
Faylor, Elner2FSINMayWhooping CoughMonroe
Fehling, Emma1 mo.FSINNovFort Wayne
Felger, John3MSINAugScarlet FeverMilan
Felger, Mary1FSINAugFluxMilan
Ferris, Philitia67FMNYJulKeeping houseCancerWashington
Fisher, Charles8MSINJulTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Forebach, George22MSPrussiaSepLaborerTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Foust, Martha3FSINOctInflamationCedar Creek
Fox, Jacob1MSINFebLung FeverFort Wayne
Fraby, McJohn2MSINNovSmall PoxFort Wayne
Francis, Robert1 mo.MSINOctSpasmsFort Wayne
Frank, Adam40MMHesseOctBurned-SteamBoatFort Wayne
Frembletme, John5MSINJanPneumoniaFort Wayne
Fritzman, Christian62MMGermanyAprOld AgeWashington
Fruechtenecht, Henry4MSINAugScarlet FeverAdams
Fry, Anna3FSINJulDiptheriaFort Wayne
Fulk, Lewis32MMOHAugDiptheraAboite
Fustasan, William3MSINAprScarlet FeverMonroe

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