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1870 Mortality Schedule, Allen County, Indiana

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NameAgeGenderMarital StatusPlace of BirthMonth of DeathOccupationCause of DeathTownship
Gans, Elizabeth W.1FSINMayWhooping CoughFort Wayne
Gardner, Judy1FSINSepConvulsionsFort Wayne
Gavler, George63MWDecWood SawyerChronic RheumatismFort Wayne
Gebhard, AnnaFSINMayChild BirthFort Wayne
Geiger, Wm1 mo.MSINJunConvulsionsFort Wayne
Gerard, Mary J.1 dayFSINOctConvulsionsJackson
Gerge, Frederick1MSINMayCholeraFort Wayne
Gier, Edith May10 mo.FSINAugCholeraNew Haven
Gilligan, Thomas3MSINJulScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Gleesenkamp, Charles1MSINMayInflamation of BowelsFort Wayne
Glinn, John1MSINNovCholeraFort Wayne
Gloyd, George55MMVAFebFarmerConsumptionPerry
Glynn, Charles10 mo.MSINFebConsumptionFort Wayne
Gnenamanm, Sarah6 mo.FSJulAcute DiarrheaFort Wayne
Goeble, Henry19MSINOctLaborerTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Good, Catharine4FSINFebScarlet FeverMilan
Gorham, Edward7 mo.MSINJulDisease of liverFort Wayne
Graham, Elmore8MSINDecAccidentalFort Wayne
Graham, John40MMOHMarConsumptionFort Wayne
Graver, Infant1 mo.FSINMarDebilitySpringfield
Greaser, Martha6FSINAprScarlet FeverMarion
Greer, Sarah63FWDEFebParalysisPleasant
Griffith, Mary7 mo.FSINMarConvulsionsFort Wayne
Griffith, Mary E.3 mo.FSINFebDesease of bowelsFort Wayne
Gross, Frederick49MSPrussiaOctR.R. ShopLung FeverFort Wayne
Grove, Lorenzo11MSPAMayAccidentalFort Wayne
Gum, Joseph1MSINMarBronchitisFort Wayne
Gunder, Elmira6 mo.FSINDecInflammationWashington

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