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1870 Mortality Schedule, Allen County, Indiana

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NameAgeGenderMarital StatusPlace of BirthMonth of DeathOccupationCause of DeathTownship
Sabastion, George67MMHesseNovFarmerScarlet FeverAdams
Sampson, Joseph48MVABarberFort Wayne
Sanders, Willimina45FMFranceAprKeeping houseConsumptionFort Wayne
Savage, James33MMNYMayFarmerConsumptionMilan
Shabus, Lewis84MWGermanyMarTailorUnknownWayne
Shafer, Albert9 dayMSINFebLung FeverMonroe
Shafer, Angeline44FMOHJanKeeping houseTyphoid FeverSpringfield
Shaffer, John1MSINJulInflammation of lungsFort Wayne
Shaster, John I.10 mo.MSINMayInflamation of BrainFort Wayne
Sheers, David34MMPAAugFarmerIntermittent feverSt. Joseph
Shell, George29MMINDecFarmerWoundsScipio
Shepherd, Ashabel22MMOHJunLung DiseaseFort Wayne
Sheridan, Nellie21FSNYSepTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Shick, Lila2FSINDecScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Shieter, George70MMPrussiaMarWeaverKidney DieaseFort Wayne
Shmitt, ----MSBadenSepBreweryHeart DiseaseFort Wayne
Shoaf, Edward9 mo.MSINMarCroupWayne
Shoemaker, Albert4MSOHNovUnknownFort Wayne
Shoemaker, Foresty4MSOHNovScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Shoppmann, WilhelmMINFort Wayne
Shrake, Carlina43FMPrussiaFebKeeping houseTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Shrake, Louise14FSDecTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Shroders, Sophia48FMBadenOctConsumptionFort Wayne
Shuman, Lucinda43FMINJanKeeping houseInflammation of lungsMonroe
Shuman, Martha E.8FMINJulMeaslesMonroe
Sine, Orpha6FSINJunWhooping CoughLake
Sithens, R41MMOHMarDoctorAccidentalSpringfield
Slater, Bird3 mo.FSINAugThrush on sore mouthFort Wayne
Smith, Elias33MMOHJanFarmerTyphoid FeverLake
Smith, Katie10FSKYNovScarlet FeverWayne
Smith, Oliver E.1 mo.MSINSepColera InflammationLafayette
Smith, Peter2MSINMarChronic DiarrheaFort Wayne
Smith, Sarah S.51FMMASepTyphoid FeverAboite
Smoker, Hellena1FSINAugConsumption of BowelsFort Wayne
Snider, Albert7 mo.MSINJanInflamationCedar Creek
Snodgrass, William21MSINOctShirt CutterTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Somers, Frank2 mo.MSINAugHydrocephalusFort Wayne
Sorg, Barbara72FWHesseMarKeeping houseTyphoid FeverMarion
Soubre, Catherine6FSINSepDiptheriaAdams
Southern, James6 mo.MSINSepBrain FeverFort Wayne
Sowers, Henry25MMPASepFarmerInflammation of brainLake
Spangler, Dorotha58FMWurtenbergOctKeeping houseDesease of bowelsMarion
Spring, William65MWPrussiaOctConsumptionFort Wayne
Squires, Platt69MMNYOctFarmerTyphoid FeverScipio
Stanke, Amelia3 mo.FSINJulAcute DiarrheaFort Wayne
Starr, Alice37FSUnknownDecUnknownWayne
Stern, Margaret9 mo.FS INNovConsumptionFort Wayne
Stevens, Julie9 mo.FSINJanWhooping CoughMilan
Stevens, Lorah O.3FSINDecInflammation of brainMonroe
Stevens, Samuel74MSEnglandJulConsumptionFort Wayne
Striker, Pauline16FSPAOctTyphoid FeverFort Wayne
Sturges, Charles E.55MMMDNovConsumptionFort Wayne
Sullivan, Jerry26MSINAugMachinestHemorageFort Wayne
Swain, Jackson44MMOHJanLivery KeeperDisease of HeartFort Wayne
Swift, William H.6 mo.MSINJulUnknownMonroe

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