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1870 Mortality Schedule, Allen County, Indiana

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NameAgeGenderMarital StatusPlace of BirthMonth of DeathOccupationCause of DeathTownship
Rabb, Ella11 mo.FSINSepCholeraFort Wayne
Ramke, Elizabeth5 mo.FSINMarInterminent feverFort Wayne
Raquet, Anna4FSINJunScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Rastus, Peter M.1 mo.MSINJulConvulsionsFort Wayne
Redelsheimer, Clara6FSINMayScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Redelsheimer, Frances4FSINMayScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Redelsheimer, George1MSINMayScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Redelsheimer, Rebecca1FSINJunScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Reed, Ellen A.5FSINJunScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Reed, William2MSINJunScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Rehorst, Annie2FSINJulBilious feverFort Wayne
Rhodes, Daniel M.?MSINAugDiptheraAboite
Richards, Christian49MMGermanyAprFarmerTyphoid FeverJefferson
Ripley, Daniel50MMIrelandOctLaborerAccidentFort Wayne
Ripley, Ellen3FSINMayConsumptionFort Wayne
Robinson, John F.MSINMayPutrid sore headWayne
Robinson, Martha4 mo.FSINMarScarlet FeverMadison
Rogers, Alice12FSINFebCholeraFort Wayne
Rogers, Anna5FSINNovScarlet FeverFort Wayne
Rogers, Anna40FSINOctSmall PoxFort Wayne
Rollins, F.3FSOHFebDiptheriaMonroe
Rorick, James58MMNJFebFarmerLung FeverJefferson
Rose, Gandleile? Mo.MSINAugUnknownWashington
Rosh, John1MSINAprConsumption of LungsFort Wayne
Ross, Charles2 mo.MSINSepFluxLake
Rothgeb, Margaret2FSINJunScarlet FeverJefferson
Rothoff, Charles1MSINAprFort Wayne
Rudisill, Amelia28FSINSepConsumptionWashington
Rudisill, Christian61MPrussiaOctFarmerHemorage of bowelWashington
Russel, George5 mo.MSINJunBrain FeverFort Wayne
Ryan, Andrew60MSIrelandAugworks on farmBilious feverLake
Ryan, Franklin S.2MSINJunScarlet FeverJefferson
Ryan, Freeman W.4MSINJulScarlet FeverJefferson
Ryan, Joseph1MSINAugUnknownMilan
Ryan, Thomas16MSINJunInflammation of brainWayne

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