Wildlife in Allen County, Indiana


Go to American ash, American basswood, American chestnut, American elm, American plum, Ancient Trees, Bald cypress, Big Trees, Charlie Deam, Dendrochronology, Dogwood, Eastern Red Cedar, Ginkgo, Hardwoods, Oaks, Pawpaw, Red bud, Sycamores, Tree Canopy, Tree Rings.

See other trees sections on Centennial Oak Tree, Chief Richardville Spirit Tree, Johnny Appleseed Trees, Log Cabins, Old Apple Tree, and Spongy Moth.

Page 45 of the History of Allen County, Indiana. Publication date 1880 Publisher Kingman Brothers on Archive.orgstates:

Most of the county was covered originally with a dense forest of oak, walnut, maple, ash, elm and hickory. No pines or hemlocks existed, and their species do not flourish now, even when planted and carefully nourished. A small cluster of tamaracks is found in the prairie of Eel River Township, the only ones believed to exist. The chestnut, so common throughout the United States in this lati¬ tude, is unknown here. The cottonwood flourishes along the river banks, and sometimes grows to immense size.

1904 - Arbor Day in Indiana Friday, Oct. 21

Article from Oct 15, 1904 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1904, Fort wayne, Arbor day, Trees

1904 - Arbor Day in Indiana Friday, Oct. 21 The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, October 15, 1904, Page 15.

Planting the Tree, Old Solomon's Tree, All About God's Trees

1904 - Old Solomon's Tree An Arbor Day Poem by Joe Lincoln

Article from Oct 15, 1904 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1904, Solomon's tree

An Arbor Day Poem worth reading! 1904 - Old Solomon's Tree An Arbor Day Poem by Joe LincolnThe Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Saturday, October 15, 1904, Page 15.

At one time fences, like this one, could be found all over Wabash County. This is a split rail fence also called a worm...

Posted by Wabash County Historian on Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024 post by the Wabash County Historian on Facebook:

At one time fences, like this one, could be found all over Wabash County. This is a split rail fence also called a worm or snake fence. In the early days settlers used the abundant trees to make rails and then stacked them one on top of the other in an interlocking zig-zag fashion. They were easy to create, repair and later take down. This one was found at the entrance to Brown County State Park. When growing up in Indiana Abraham Lincoln was known as a "rail splitter."


According to the 1824 law shown below worm fences were required for enclosing animals upon the owners land.

Page 179, The revised laws of Indiana : adopted and enacted by the General Assembly at their eighth session by Indiana. General Assembly, Publication date 1824 on Archive.org.

Page 179 Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Indiana. That all fields kept for enclosures, shall be well enclosed with a fence composed of sufficient posts and rails, posts and pailing, palisadoes or rails alone, laid up in the manner which is commonly called a worm fence; which posts shall be deep set and strongly fastened in the earth, and all fences composed of posts and rails, posts and pailings, or palisadoes, shall be at least five feet in hieight; and all fences which are composed of rails in manner which is commonly denominated a worm fence, shall be at least five feet. What shall be six inches in height, the uppermost rail in each and every fence, pannel thereof, supported by strong stakes strongly set and fastened in the earth, so as to compose what is commonly called a stakeing and ridering, otherwise the uppermost rail in each and every pannel shall be braced with two strong rails, poles, or stakes, locking each corner or angle thereof; and in all the foregoing materials, the apertures between the rails, pailngs, or palisadoes within two feet of the surface of the earth, shall not be more than four inches, and from the distance of two feet from the surface of the earth, the apertures between such rails, pailings, or palisadoes shall not be more than six inches, and that in all worm fences staked and ridered, the worm shall be at least four ket six inches, and if locked as aforesaid, the worm shall be at least five feet and all fences of the height and strength herein required, shall be considered lawful against horses and neat cattle.

Sec. 2. If any horse, mule, or ass, sheep, goat, or neat cattle, shall break into any person's enclosure, the fence being of the aforesaid height and strength, or if any hog or hogs shall break into any person's enclosure, the fence being of the aforesaid sufficiency, and by the view of two persons for that purpose appointed by the board of county com- 

Page 180

missioners of said county, found and approved to be such, then the owner of such creature or creatures, shall be liable to make good all damages to the owner of the enclosure; for the first offence, single damages only; ever afterwards, double the damages sustained.

Sec. 3. For the better ascertaining and regulating: of partition fences, it is hereby directed that when any neighbour shall improve lands adjacent to each other, or where any person shall enclose any lands adjoining to another's land already fenced, so that any part of the first person's becomes the partion fence between them, in both these cases, the charge of such division fence (so far as enclosed on both sides) shall he equally borne and maintained by both parties; to which and other ends in this law mentioned, the board of county commissioners in the several counties in this commissioners state, yearly, shall nominate and appoint three honest and able men, for each township respectively, who being duly sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of their appointment, shall proceed, at the request of any person or persons feeling him or themselves aggrieved, to view all such fence or fences, about which any difference may happen to arise; and the aforesaid persons or any two of them in each township respectively, shall be the sole judges of the charge to be borne by the delinquent or by both or either party, and of the sufficiency of all fences, whether partition or others; and when they shall adjudge any fence to be insufficient, they shall give notice thereof to the owners or proprietors or occupiers thereof, upon request of the other, and due notice given by the said viewers, shall refuse or neglect to make or repair the said fence or fences, or to pay the money of the charge of any fence before made, being the division or common fence, within twenty days after notice given, then upon proof thereof before two justices of the peace of the respective county, it shall be lawful for the said justices to order the person aggrieved or suffering thereby, to make or repair the said fence or fences, who shall be reimbursed his costs and charges from the person so refusing or neglecting to make or repair the partition fence or fences aforesaid ; or to order the delinquent to pay the moiety of the charge of the fence before made, being a division or common fence, (as the case may be,) and if the delinquent shall neglect or refuse to pay to the party injured, the moiety of the charge of any fence before made, or to reimburse the costs and charges of making and repairing the said fence or fences, under the order aforesaid, then the same shall be levied upon the delinquent's goods and chattels, under warrant from a justice of the peace, by distress and sale thereof, the overplus, if any, to be returned to the said delinquent: Provided that nothing herein contained, shall be intended to prevent or debar any person or persons from

Page 181

enclosing his or her own grounds in any manner they please, with sufficient walls or fences of timber, other than those heretofore mentioned, or by dykes, hedges or ditches. All such walls and fences to be in height, at least five feet from the ground, and all dykes to be at least three feet in height from the bottom of the ditch, and planted and set with thorn and other quickset, so that such enclosures shall fully answer and secure the several purposes meant to be answered and secured by this law: Provided also, that such walls or fences of timber, other than those heretofore mentioned, and dykes, hedges and ditches, shall be subject to all provisions, inspections, and restrictions respectively, to which by this law, any other enclosure or fence is made liable," according to the true intent and meaning hereof.

1915 - Johnny Appleseed, Who Made Fruit Flourish Wilderness, Candidate Memorial Honors Ohio The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sat, Jul 17, 1915, Page 7

Six photos including tombstones and wooden fence gate in Archer Cemetery.

See Johnny Appleseed, Johnny Appleseed Newspaper Articles, and Johnny Appleseed Trees pages.

Early residents of Allen County found it difficult to procure quality fresh fruit, like they were used having back east....

Posted by The History Center on Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 post by The History Center on Facebook:

Early residents of Allen County found it difficult to procure quality fresh fruit, like they were used having back east. In the 1840s, Susan Man McCulloch brought seeds and saplings, including cherries, back from New York nurseries for her and her neighbors to establish orchards in our community. The 1850s saw the rise of the modern production of cherry production in the United States. Cherries range from sweet to tart, they come in shades ranging from red to yellow, and you can create a wide variety of dishes, desserts, and drinks with them. Established in the middle of the 20th Century, National Cherry Day is celebrated each year on July 16 and helps to promote the consumption and awareness of our cherries. Today, the U.S. cherry industry produces more than 650 million pounds of tart and sweet cherries each year. Take sometime today to celebrate by visiting a u-pick farm, making some cherry ice tea or even participate in a cherry pit spitting contest. Today we share some of our cherry related items from our collection. #sociallyhistory

We never tire of this century-old picture taken near Worthington, Indiana: Champion Platanus sycamore tree, circa 1915. Thumbs up for the big and the beautiful.

Posted by Indiana Forest Alliance on Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday, June 29, 2016 post by the Indiana Forest Alliance on Facebook:

We never tire of this century-old picture taken near Worthington, Indiana: Champion Platanus sycamore tree, circa 1915. Thumbs up for the big and the beautiful. 

[ This photo is in the 1921 edtion of Charlie Deam's Trees of Indiana shown below ]

Several interesting comments to the original post:

  1. ...strange to think that this tree had passenger pigeons and Carolina parakeets perched on it not too long before this photo was taken 
  2. Council Oak 1681  La Salle conference with Miami Indians
    Do you have any pictures of the Council oak that the miami used to meet under?  A photo captioned: Council Oak under which La Salle met the Miami Indiana in 1681 and held a conference with them was posted shown on the page The Potawatomi at Council Oak July 20, 2016. Council Oak on The Historical Marker Datatbase HMdb.org says the oak tree was finally toppled by strong winds in 1991.
  3. Branch from the big sycamore
    Is this tree still standing?- No it was blown over around 1925 by a storm. The western limb right above the fork was given to the worthington park and has been preserved. Photo above from the Largest Sycamore Tree at Visit Greene County, Indiana

Early 20th century newspaper advertisements for South Wood Park development emphasized big trees as a fine place for Fort Wayne children. See our Historic South Wood Park Neighborhood page.

1917 - South Wood Park preserve hundreds of finest specimens of the forest

Article from Aug 13, 1917 The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1917, South wood park

1917 - South Wood Park preserve hundreds of finest specimens of the forest The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Monday, August 13, 1917, Page 7

In cutting the streets and boulevards through the forest in South Wood Park, the landscape architect has been guided by the desire to preserve hundreds of the finest specimens of the forest. The photograph is a typical view in the broad wooded seetion of South Wood Park.

1917 - A Fine Place Fort Wayne Children - Big Trees are Characteristic of South Wood Park

Article from Aug 24, 1917 The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana) 1917, South wood park

1917 - A Fine Place Fort Wayne Children - Big Trees are Characteristic of South Wood Park The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday, August 24, 1917, Page 9

Probably no place in Fort Wayne offers attractive natural playgrounds for children to surpass the broad park ways in South wood Park, the new Hilgeman Schaaf development on the south side. Big trees and broad open areas have proved irresistible for many who have already seen the place. Most of the lot purchasers announce, that they will build homes this summer or fall. The work of paving and laying of sidewalks as well as the placing of sewers and water mains, is now engaging attention. The vyast work has been going forward since midsummer.

"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." ― Warren Buffett

Posted by Arbor Day Foundation on Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 post by the Arbor Day Foundation on Facebook:

"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." ― Warren Buffett

ACRES staff learned how to use a borer tool! 🌳 This tool safety takes a section of wood from a tree. From that sample, you can age the tree and observe how much it grew each year! 🪵

Posted by ACRES Land Trust on Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday, May 22, 2022 post by ACRES Land Trust on Facebook:

ACRES staff learned how to use a borer tool! 🌳 This tool safety takes a section of wood from a tree. From that sample, you can age the tree and observe how much it grew each year!

Seal of the State of Indiana
See history of the Indiana State Seal on the 1810 Timeline.
A tree is on the Indiana state seal along with a bison and man cutting down a tree. See Bison bison bison on our Animals page.

Suitable Trees for Fort Wayne Streets 2018 at City of Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation which unfortunately contains trees which are recognized by some in the native plant community as invasive species or soon to become invasive as they are widely planted.

Street trees affect the look and character of neighborhoods. Allen County was once covered by virgin primeval forest and on the eastern side by the Great Black Swamp. Trees were cut down for wood products, farmland and cities, then often replanted with non-native species of trees as more homes and businesses were built. See our Timelines page for more information about historical events.

During his inaugural speech today, Gov. Holcomb informed his audience that "the purist patriotism is to 'convert the...

Posted by Northeast Chapter of Indiana Native Plant Society - INPS on Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017 post by the Northeast Chapter of Indiana Native Plant Society - INPS on Facebook:

During his inaugural speech today, Gov. Holcomb informed his audience that "the purist patriotism is to 'convert the gloomy woods into fields waving with luxuriant harvests' " referencing a speech given nearly 200 years ago in Martin County.

What implications would a "gloomy woods" view have on Indiana native plant and wildlife species? Please share your favorite woodsy photos in the comment section below.

The context of that excerpted piece was: "You behold in each other, those on whose industry and perseverance you repose your hopes of seeing, within a few years, a fair and fertile portion of the state rescued from the condition of a dreary wilderness, where nothing was formerly heard but the howling of the wolf—where no living creature cheered the eye, except, perchance, a bounding deer, a rude bear, or a ruthless savage;—men, who will convert the gloomy woods into fields waving with luxuriant harvests, and change the nauseous swamps, emitting pestilence and death, into rich meadows clothed with thick and verdant herbage." An Oration, Pronounced at Hindostan, Martin Co. (I[ndian]a) on the 45th Anniversary of American Independence Dr. M. A. Ward Edited by William Barlow and David 0. Powell* [ Indiana Magazine of History journal in the archives at Indiana University Scholarworks ]


In 1821, just five years after we became our own state, a speaker at a Fourth of July celebration down in Martin County said, “The purest patriotism is to convert the gloomy woods into fields waving with luxuriant harvests.” from Full text: Holcomb’s inaugural address WANE Staff Reports January 9, 2017 CBS WANE-TV NewsChannel 15.

Indiana's Forests Are YOUR Forests! at Indiana Forest Alliance.



  1. Historical forests (circa 1799 to 1846) of Indiana were predominantly composed of American beech (25% of all trees) and upland oaks (27% of all trees). Trajectory from beech and oak forests to eastern broadleaf forests in Indiana, USA Brice B. Hanberry 28 January 2019 Ecological Processes SpringerOpen.
  2. New Initiative “Let the Sun Shine In – Indiana” will Work to Restore the State's Oak-Hickory Forests Open oak-dominated forests are ideal habitat for a wide array of woodland bird species, but they’ve been disappearing since humans began suppressing fire on the landscape July 5, 2022 · American Bird Conservancy
  3. Revisiting historical beech and oak forests in Indiana using a GIS method to recover information from bar charts 2 March 2018 Brice Hanberry at Hanberry (2018), Revisiting historical beech and oak forests in Indiana using a GIS method to recover information from bar charts. PeerJ 6:e5158; DOI 10.7717/peerj.5158.
  4. State Forest Properties at Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
  5. The Forest Prime est Primeval of Indiana as Recor al of Indiana as Recorded in the Original U.S. ded in the Original U.S. Land Sur Land Surveys and an E ys and an Evaluation of Pr aluation of Previous Interpr vious Interpretations of etations of Indiana Vegatation John E. Potzger Margaret Esther Potzger Jack McCormick Volume 13 Article 12 Butler University Botanical Studies Butler University Libraries.
    Potzger, John E.; Potzger, Margaret Esther; and McCormick, Jack (1956) "The Forest Primeval of Indiana as Recorded in the Original U.S. Land Surveys and an Evaluation of Previous Interpretations of Indiana Vegatation," Butler University Botanical Studies: Vol. 13 , Article 12. Retrieved from: https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/botanical/vol13/iss1/12
  6. The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment: Indiana Forestry and Wildlife FNR-500-W Extension.Purdue.edu.
In 2023 Lindenwood Cemetery was designated as an Arboretum which is a place where trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants are cultivated for scientific and educational purposes. See our Lindenwood Cemetery page.
Lindenwood Cemetery Arboretum est. 2023

We are so ready for 2pm! Thank you again to Arbor Farms Nursery & Brandenberger Tree Care Professionals LLC for joining us today!!!

Posted by Lindenwood Cemetery on Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024 post by Lindenwood Cemetery on Facebook:

1st Annual Arbor Day Celebration

“As a newly designated arboretum, we are looking forward to building our tree population as well as making sure the species that are currently on our grounds remain healthy. We hope the Fort Wayne community enjoys our cemetery grounds and its diverse tree population,” General Manager of Lindenwood Cemetery Amber Gonzalez.

The Lindenwood Cemetery Arboretum at ArbNet.org The Interactive Community of Arboreta

Levels of Accreditation The four levels of accreditation recognize arboreta at various degrees of development, capacity, and professionalism. Accredited arboreta are encouraged to seek and achieve higher professional standards and move up through the levels.

Cookie Cottage never dissapoints! These turned out absolutely beautiful! Come out for cookies and saplings (while they last) tomorrow at 2pm!

Posted by Lindenwood Cemetery on Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024 post by Lindenwood Cemetery on Facebook:

Cookie Cottage never dissapoints! These turned out absolutely beautiful! Come out for cookies and saplings (while they last) tomorrow at 2pm!

Thank you 21Alive for taking interest in our arboretum and sharing our story!

Posted by Lindenwood Cemetery on Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024 post by Lindenwood Cemetery on Facebook:

Thank you 21Alive for taking interest in our arboretum and sharing our story!

Fort Wayne’s Lindenwood Cemetery celebrates Arbor Day as new arboretum 

According to the cemetery’s general manager, Amber Gonzalez, the cemetery is hoping to achieve a Level 2 accreditation in the future.

Posted by WANE 15 on Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024 post by WANE 15 on Facebook:

According to the cemetery’s general manager, Amber Gonzalez, the cemetery is hoping to achieve a Level 2 accreditation in the future.

Lindenwood Cemetary celebrates Arbor Day with new accreditation

What a beautiful day for our Arbor Day Celebration! We have to thank our staff as well as Arbor Farms Nursery &...

Posted by Lindenwood Cemetery on Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024 post by Lindenwood Cemetery on Facebook:

What a beautiful day for our Arbor Day Celebration! We have to thank our staff as well as Arbor Farms Nursery & Brandenberger Tree Care Professionals LLC! Arbor Farms generously donated 3 Linden Trees and planted the one at the entrance. Barb, from Arbor Farms, also led us on a tree identification hike and taught us all a few things! The Brandenberger team trimmed 2 trees by our mausoleum that were in need of some TLC. The difference is spectacular! Mason, from Brandenberger, shared helpful techiques and answered some questions a that our staff had. [ See Linden trees ]

Last but not least, this was for our community! We are grateful for all who showed up and enjoyed the knowledge that was provided! We hope you enjoyed your cookies and hope you find the perfect place for your sapling!

It was an amazing day and we look forward to keeping you up to date on the happenings of the Arboretum!


A 1923 newspaper article about the burial location of John Chapman, aka Johnny Appleseed during a visit by the Society of Indiana Pioneers and Indiana Historical Society visiting historical sites around Fort Wayne mentioned, under the heading Visit Rudisill Farm at the bottom of the page:

It has been said of John Chapman that he loved the undisturbed forests, to listen to birds and to gaze at the stars. If this be true, his last resting place is in harmony with his life. Fort there nature is undisturbed; the silence is only broken by the songs of birds, and nightly the stars look down upon the lonely grave on the summit of the hill. In the memory of the pilgrims there will always remain the picture of the hillside slope, carpeted with wild strawberries, the stately evergreen line against the sky, the little enclosure, its surroundings of nature, prodigal and unrestrained, and over all, the clear sunshine of a perfect June day.

Copied from the newspaper article titled: 1923 - Recent Historical Pilgrimage to Fort Wayne is Recounted - Johnny Appleseed Grave The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sunday, Jul 15, 1923, Page 9B on Newspapers.com. See more on Johnny Appleseed or Johnny Appleseed Historical Newspaper Timeline pages.

Does Bicentennial Woods show us what primeval Allen County, Indiana was like when Europeans arrived?

Bicentennial Woods October 17, 2022 Maxamillian Studio on YouTube
Bicentennial Woods is a nearly 80 acres of nature preserve on the northern side of Allen County, IN protected by Acres Land Trust. These amazing trails are filled with the colors of fall and are a perfect spot to enjoy some nature bathing.This was shot with the DJI Mavic 3. Hope you enjoy!

Lindenwood Cemetery is east across Lindenwood Avenue from Lindenwood Nature Preserve which shows what the cemetery grounds looked like back when the cemetery began in 1859.
Hanna grave, Lindenwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne, IN

The Samuel Hanna grave, Lindenwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne, IN. after he died in June 1866 in the Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Library. The photo with a white obelisk tombstone in the background behind a tree on the left appears to show the early graves in Lindenwood Cemetery founded in July 1859 were literally buried in the existing forest. The cemetery currently has many big old trees but with wide open spaces between them.
See Samuel Hanna in our People section and our Lindenwood Cemetery page ]

Pardon the detours on the cemetery grounds today. We have a few trees being removed for safety reasons.

Posted by Lindenwood Cemetery on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 post by Lindenwood Cemetery on Facebook:

Pardon the detours on the cemetery grounds today. We have a few trees being removed for safety reasons.

[ See our Lindenwood Cemetery page. The Allen County Public Library Digital Collections at the Allen County Public Libraryhas many historic photos of gardens in the cemetery in the early 20th century. Their Facebook page shows some recent improvements. A recent drive through the Catholic Cemetery shows recent tree plantings along the roads in open areas. A recent photo in the newspaper shows a bald eagles nest in a tall sycamore tree in the Catholic Cemetery.]

When Historic South Wood Park was advertised for development in 1917 the big trees where used in local newspaper ads promoting the development. Notice the missing big trees in the 2024 Facebook post.

You might think this photo was taken in England... but it's right here in Fort Wayne. We continue to highlight some...

Posted by Historic Southwood Park Neighborhood Association on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 post by the Historic Southwood Park Neighborhood Association on Facebook:

You might think this photo was taken in England... but it's right here in Fort Wayne. We continue to highlight some houses that are featured in the 2008 Southwood Park Historic District brochure for National Historic Preservation month!

Kenneth & Elizabeth Bechtel House (original owners)
4319 Indiana Avenue
Tudor Revival, c. 1925

Only a small percentage of Tudor houses have stucco as the primary wall surface. The steep roof, prominent stone chimney, half-timbering and casement windows are classic Tudor features. The stone foundation and entry arch are nice details. Bechtel was employed at S.F. Bowser Company, manufacturer of gasoline pumps.

Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, Trees Indiana and other tree enthusiasts gathered today to celebrate Arbor Day. Fort...

Posted by Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation on Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024 post by the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation on Facebook:

Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, Trees Indiana and other tree enthusiasts gathered today to celebrate Arbor Day. Fort Wayne has been named a Tree City USA® by the Arbor Day Foundation for the 34th consecutive year in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management. Read more Fort Wayne Awarded Tree City USA by Arbor Day Foundation Fort Wayne Awarded Tree City USA® by Arbor Day Foundation 2024 marks 34th consecutive year for award

April 26, 2024 video post by PBS Fort Wayne on Facebook:

Happy Arbor Day! Do you know how many trees the Fort Wayne Parks Department maintains?  

What do trees and maps have in common? 🌳🗺️The USGS, of course! While you're out planting a tree for #ArborDay, our...

Posted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024 post by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on Facebook:

What do trees and maps have in common? 🌳🗺️The USGS, of course!

While you're out planting a tree for #ArborDay, our satellites are mapping trees across the U.S. to support research on land cover change. 🛰️ This tree canopy data produced by the U.S. Forest Service with Landsat images is one of many layers of data available on the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) that document how our environment changes over time. As part of the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC), a 20-year partnership with other federal agencies, we create data to support research into how things like natural hazards, urbanization, agriculture, and climate change shape our landscape.

Explore the latest NLCD data release here: https://www.mrlc.gov/data
Visualize this data on the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium Viewer: https://www.mrlc.gov/viewer/

#PlantATree #HugATree #Trees #EveryDayIsEarthDay #ClimateChange #EarthScience #PlanetEarth #WhatOnEarth #Science #Ecosystems #Climate #NaturalHazards #Agriculture #Conservation #Data #Landsat #LandUse

Choice of tree species is important too as examples on this page will show. Flowering trees genearlly live only 50 years or so, and non-native speices can be invasive and disrupt native wildlife habitat.

Check back on our timeline for tree planting tips and tricks!

Posted by Allen County Master Gardeners on Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019 post by the Allen County Master Gardeners on Facebook:

Check back on our timeline for tree planting tips and tricks!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. ~Unknown

Happy Earth Day everyone!

Posted by Friends of the Parks of Allen County on Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thursday, April 22, 2021 post by Friends of the Parks of Allen County on Facebook:

Happy Earth Day everyone!

Arbor Day Animation.mp4

🌳 We love trees — we just hate power outages! 🌲 So this Arbor Day, take a moment to consider the mature height and spread of the tree you’re planting. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

Posted by Indiana Michigan Power on Friday, April 29, 2022

Friday, April 29, 2022 post by Indiana Michigan Power on Facebook:

🌳 We love trees — we just hate power outages! 🌲

So this Arbor Day, take a moment to consider the mature height and spread of the tree you’re planting. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

Three Rivers Fruit Growers Club a group that promotes the sustainable growing and enjoyment of fruit was highlighted in Local group builds on Johnny Appleseed's legacy in The News-Sentinel newspaperarchived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine .

The benefits of trees which can easily be measured have been known for decades, but did you know that some benefits are...

Posted by Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation on Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 post by the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation on Facebook:

The benefits of trees which can easily be measured have been known for decades, but did you know that some benefits are less easy to measure yet significant to our well-being? Learn more in the latest Parks Podcast with Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Superintendent of Urban Forestry Derek Veit and Park Director Steve McDaniel. https://soundcloud.com/.../parks-podcast-the-benefits-of...

#FortWayneParks, #Podcast

[ Fort Wayne has around 15,000 street trees and room for 40,000 more! ]

Street Trees page at City of Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation.

"Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation has multiple ongoing initiatives to maintain and grow the city’s tree canopy. Last...

Posted by Eco Fest Fort Wayne on Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 post by Eco Fest Fort Wayne on Facebook:

"Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation has multiple ongoing initiatives to maintain and grow the city’s tree canopy.

Last year, Mayor Tom Henry allocated $500,000 to the department with the sole purpose of planting trees on city property. That is enough money to purchase and plant 2,000 trees in parks and along city streets."

A great initiative by our friends at Tree Canopy Growth Fund!

Here’s why Fort Wayne’s urban tree canopy is in decline, and what officials are doing about it

The amount of land covered by trees within Fort Wayne city limits has declined from 29% to 23% in the last decade.

There are three main reasons for this decline: urban development, severe weather damage, and… a bug.

The Emerald Ash Borer is an insect that, starting in 2009, led to the destruction of around 14,000 ash trees in Fort Wayne alone, according to Derek Veit, the superintendent of forestry for Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation.

“Through that, we realized we need to diversify the canopy more,” Veit said. “Meaning that we need more different species so that if we end up with an insect pest or a disease pest in the future, the impact is less on the whole.”

Urban development also has taken its toll on the Summit City’s tree canopy. Fort Wayne’s population has grown by more than 10,000 in the last decade, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.


Same story shared March 21, 2024 by Tree Canopy Growth Fund on Facebook:

We appreciate WANE 15 covering this important story about our community's tree canopy!

Kudos to the City of Fort Wayne on their ongoing efforts to plant more trees in parks and the public right of way.

We will continue doing our part to get more trees planted in residential yards, school and church campuses, and more!

“There’s so much going on right now with new developments and building. We just want to make sure trees are a part of...

Posted by Tree Canopy Growth Fund on Tuesday, March 1, 2022

March 1, 2022 post by the Tree Canopy Growth Fund on Facebook:

“There’s so much going on right now with new developments and building. We just want to make sure trees are a part of the future of Fort Wayne.”

Thanks to The Waynedale News for helping to introduce this new initiative to the greater Fort Wayne community!

Full Story | Expanding The City’s Tree Canopy

Indiana State Tree Nursery Seedlings

March 25, 2024 post by the Indiana DNR Division of Forestry on Facebook:

The Jasper-Pulaski State Tree Nursery has officially begun fulfilling this year’s tree seedling orders! Over 2.3 million tree seedlings have been sold by the state tree nurseries this year and are due to be distributed and planted this spring. Customers will be receiving a postcard in the coming weeks to let them know their order is ready! Learn more about the state tree nurseries and how to order seedlings at Tree Seedling Nurseries!

One Million Trees Planted 2020-2024

April 26, 2024 post by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources on Facebook:

Celebrating DNR’s achievement of planting one million trees in Indiana in five years, Governor Eric Holcomb, DNR Director Dan Bortner and Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governor's & Premiers Tree Initiative Program Director Mike Piskur planted a 12-foot cucumber magnolia on the Statehouse lawn today.

Red oak, white oak, bur, chinkapin, swamp chestnut, Shumard, pin, cherry bark oaks, and black walnut trees were planted on state forest, state park, fish & wildlife area, and nature preserve land around the state. A plaque commemorating the historic milestone will be installed next to the tree. DNR and Indiana Natural Resources Foundation worked with many private partners including CLIF Bar, Duke Energy, the Hardwood Forestry Fund, Huston Solar, Bowles Mattress Company and the White Oak Institute to finish the goal. Learn more at Gov. Holcomb plants ceremonial millionth tree.


April 26, 2024 post by Indiana DNR Division of Forestry  on Facebook:

ARBOR DAY: In 2020, the Indiana DNR began the ForestIN program with the goal of planting a million trees in 5 years. To celebrate Arbor Day 2024, we are planting the Millionth Tree on the grounds of the Indiana Statehouse! This young cucumber magnolia, a state endangered tree species, commemorates the hard work of DNR employees to increase the state’s tree canopy. Thank you to all who came out to the Statehouse to celebrate the Millionth Tree of ForestIN! Learn more about ForestIN at A million trees in five years!

Char Miller US Forest Service History, AFS 2004 December 28, 2020 Michael Furniss on YouTube.
This is a talk given by Professor Char MIller at the USFS 2004 national earth sciences conference in San Diego in 2004, the year of the USFS Centennial. This was converted from a Flash presentation and may have a few synchronization issues. All Forest Service people should know this history.

Nature's Temples: Old Growth Forests with Dr. Joan Maloof May 23, 2023 MCAT Community Media on YouTube.
As part of the Missoula Public Library's month-long Old Growth celebration in April, author and founder of the Old-Growth Forest Network, Joan Maloof, presents on her work and her recently revised and expanded book "Nature's Temples: A Natural History of Old-Growth Forests" (2023).

Magnificent Trees of Indiana, Carroll D. Ritter, March 1, 2022 Purdue University Press.

"Magnificent Trees of Indiana" webinar with author Carroll Ritter May 9, 2023 Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Association on YouTubeIn this webinar hosted by Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Association, author Carroll Ritter shares pictures and stories from his book "Magnificent Trees of Indiana."

A Conversation with Carroll Ritter, author of Magnificent Trees of Indiana Jun 29, 2022 Sycamore Land Trust on YouTube
Watch the recording of our Conversation with Carroll Ritter, author of Magnificent Trees of Indiana: "How Magnificent Trees of Indiana can be an inspiration to appreciate our grand forest heritage."

On June 23, 2022, Carroll D. Ritter joined our Conservation Conversation lecture series to discuss his new book Magnificent Trees of Indiana. Carroll Ritter inherited a sense of wonder about trees from his father, who taught him so much about them in the woods. As a science educator, he built in lessons about forests and took many students to the woods to learn about their importance in the natural world. Having nominated seven state champion trees himself, he realized how a fascinating book could be created around Indiana’s largest specimens and how some old-growth tracts still exist here in our state. The book focuses on these remarkable places in a fashion intended to be enjoyable reading, educational, and superbly illustrated with fine photography.

  1. 28-page Historic Vegetation Patterns of Indiana State Forests Summarized from General Land Office Survey Notes By Hannah Ryker and AJ Ariens, IN DNR – Division of Forestry, 402 W. Washington St., Rm W296, Indianapolis, IN 46204, February 2018 Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
  2. BOUNDARY TREES IN INDIANA: OWNERSHIP, RESPONSIBILITY AND OTHER RELATED TOPICS by Parr Richey Frandsen Patterson Kruse LLP, September 15, 2016 ParrRichey Frandsen Patterson Kruse Indiana Business Lawyer Blog.
  3. Witness trees marked borders, historical events

    Witness trees were described by surveyors in the early 1800s as they were laying out the grid pattern that would eventually become our property lines today. When the first surveying was done in the U.S., surveyors would pile rocks where section lines would cross, or drive a rod into the ground. These series of property intersections would identify property boundaries to homesteaders who were moving west or given land for serving in the Revolutionary War.

    It was decided that the closest tree to the property intersection shall be marked with a saw and its distance and direction from the property lines were recorded as well as the tree type and tree diameter.Witness trees marked borders, historical events Ricky Kemery, March 1, 2022 The Journal Gazette newspaper.

    See our Land Records page.

We are improving reliability - one tree at a time. We love trees. We just hate power outages. Trees and brush are the...

Posted by Indiana Michigan Power on Wednesday, February 28, 2024

February 28, 2024 post by Indiana Michigan Power on Facebook:

We are improving reliability - one tree at a time. We love trees. We just hate power outages. Trees and brush are the No. 1 cause of power outages. We have a proactive plan to prevent tree outages, and it’s already paying off for our customers.

Learn all about it: Caring For Our Community Working together for a brighter future

Indiana Michigan Power has a tree triming program to prevent trees falling during storms that interrupt power on their Power Reliability & Forestry We love trees. We just hate power outages page.

See our Indiana Michigan Power page.

As part of the "Powering Up Central" project, American Electric Power - AEP & Indiana Michigan Power are working with...

Posted by Wildlife Habitat Council on Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4, 2016 post by Wildlife Habitat Council on Facebook:

As part of the "Powering Up Central" project, American Electric Power - AEP & Indiana Michigan Power are working with WHC, the City of Fort Wayne, and other organizations to upgrade equipment and create valuable habitat along its powerline rights-of-way.

This initiative will ensure safe, effective electrical transmission for Fort Wayne residents while also providing early-successional habitat for wildlife like pollinators and songbirds.

During equipment upgrade, I&M; says, it will clear trees but enhance what remains Bob Caylor March 4, 2016 The News-Sentinel newspaperarchived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine .

Charlie Deam Indiana's first state forester

Notice the little man standing on the left side of the giant sycamore tree in the book Trees of Indiana by  Deam, Charles Clemon, 1865-1953 with several edtions from 1911 through 1921, several are found on the Archive.org. The 1921 edition has the photo of the huge sycamore tree shown above with the caption:

April 27, 2016 post by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources on Facebook shows the same photo as above stating:

The largest tree in Indiana in the early days of statehood, and still today, is American Sycamore. The largest one appears to be a tree that occurred along the Ohio River in Harrison County. It was 20 feet in diameter! This one in the picture is just a mere 13 feet! The largest known today is 8 feet in diameter. A comment to the post added a link to the Indiana Big Tree Register at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Another August 30, 2016 post, with comments about his herbarium collection location, stated:

CHARLES DEAM, Indiana's first state forester, was born on this day in 1865 near Bluffton, Indiana. Recognized as one of the foremost botanists in the country, Deam traveled throughout all of Indiana's 1,016 townships collecting more than 78,000 plant specimens. He discovered 25 new plant species and has at least 48 plants, one state recreation area (Deam Lake SRA) and a U.S wilderness area (Charles C. Deam Wilderness Area) named in his honor. You can learn more about Charles Deam at http://www.in.gov/dnr/forestry/files/deam.pdf.

Deam Lake SRA: http://www.in.gov/dnr/forestry/4825.htm

  1. Indiana University Herbarium at the The College of Arts & Sciences Department of Biology Indiana University Bloomington.
  2. Indiana University Herbarium completes massive plant digitization project The digitization of more than 160,000 plant specimens will provide access to data to researchers across the globe, April 11, 2019, at IU News.

August 30, 2021 post by Indiana Historical Bureau on Facebook:

On August 30, 1865, botanist Charles Deam was born in Wells County. He had his first brush with the curative powers of plants early in his life when he survived typhoid fever after drinking an old pioneer remedy made of boiled milk and an herb called Old-Field Balsam.

Deam eventually became Indiana's first state botanist and author of several books about flora and fauna, like Shrubs of Indiana (1924) and Flora of Indiana (1940).

Learn more about Deam with the Indiana History Blog: Charles C. Deam: From Typhoid Survivor to the Great Hoosier Botanist

The image below is courtesy of Indiana University’s Lilly Library.


Shrubs of Indiana (1924) at Indiana University Digital Library and Flora of Indiana (1940) 1256 page version and 1244 page version on Archive.org.

Flora of Indiana by Charles C. Deam described on Amazon.com as Published in 1940, with reprintings in 1970 and 1984, the Flora has served as the standard by which other state floras must be compared. Now over 60 years old, it has clearly withstood the test of time, and continues to be a primary source of information for any serious student of field botany.

Charlie Deam wrote several books about the trees and plants originally found in Indiana at the time of the arrival of European settlers and also talks about living in early Indiana. His biography Plain Ol' Charlie Deam: Pioneer Hoosier Botanist on page 2 describes his parents arrival in 1837 by wagon from Montgomery County, Ohio into the Wabash Valley of Indiana describing their early life as pioneers in 19th century Indiana. The Book Description on Purdue University Press states: Although a self-taught botanist, Charlie Deam (1865-1953) once served as state forester for Indiana and is revered as a pioneer in the field of botany. He traveled more than 100,000 miles throughout the state in his lifetime collecting 73,000 plant specimens. His four volumes about the flora, grasses, shrubs, and trees of Indiana resulted, among other things, in three honorary degrees. Deam's herbarium and 3,000-volume botanical library are now housed at Indiana University. See his books available on Internet Archive.

How many of our ancestors saw and helped remove monster trees like the one above? The landscape that became Indiana once was one large natural area with its present boundary unrecognized, uncharted. Within the bounds of present-day Indiana, and stretching from the Ohio River to Lake Michigan, and from the Whitewater River to the Wabash lay more than 36,000 square miles of the finest forests and prairies, swamps and marshes, barrens and savannas, glades and cliffsides, bogs and fens, seeps and springs, and lakes and streams to be found anywhere in the heartland of North America. This paragraph is copied from an essay called Perspective: The Indiana that Was by Marion T. Jackson published in the book The Natural Heritage of Indiana, copyright 1997, Indiana University Press and printed on the website The Inspiration for the Natural Heritage of Indiana Project. The essay describes how early pioneers were able to remove those giant trees in just a few decades. See our section on Trees.

February 1, 2024 post by Arbor Day Foundation on Facebook:

You've heard it said. But do tree rings actually tell us the true age of a tree?

The answer is ... yes! Trees can provide us with a wealth of information about their past and the world around them. They've experienced significant environmental changes, climate shifts, and historical events. Since trees are sensitive to temperature, moisture, and sunlight, their growth reacts to these factors.

Wider tree rings could signify a warm, wet year, while finer tree rings may indicate a cold, dry season. These patterns provide the basis for determining their true age - known as tree-ring dating.


What is dendrochronology Dendrochronology or tree-ring dating has been available as a recognized scientific technique since the early 1900s. Simply stated, trees in temperate zones (and some in tropical zones) grow one visible ring per calendrical year. Read more at the Cornell Tree-Ring Laboratory The Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology Cornell University.

Dendrochronology is a lengthy page describing Dendrochronology, or tree-ring dating, the science that assigns accurate calendar dates to the yearly growth rings produced by trees (Nash 2000) at the National Park Service.


Screenshot of the January 19, 2024 post by the Oklahoma Forestry Services on Facebook:

Today is #GoodMemoryDay! Originally designed to take a moment to cherish the good memories of the past. But did you know that trees have excellent memories? Trees record events and conditions in their annual rings. The profession that studies the data stored in these rings is known as #Dendrochronology. Scientists can learn about historical climate swings, weather events, and even when a wildfire came through and the direction it was traveling! This Douglas fir that fell in a New Mexico windstorm in 2013 has seen 410 years of history. It was already old when George Washington took control of the American army beneath the Washington elm!

September 16, 2021 post by Colonial Williamsburg on Facebook:

Williamsburg’s Bray School was established in 1760 for the education of free and enslaved Black children. Then dendrochronology led to the discovery of the building where those lessons took place. It was the culmination of years of work by Colonial Williamsburg and William & Mary – and both are committed to making the most of the discovery.

Learn more in the most recent issue of Trend & Tradition: ‘This was the Bray School’ Discovering the 18th-century school for Black children and the meaning of the education provided there

Past Event

June 20, 2022 post by the Indiana Barn Foundation on Facebook:

You don’t want to miss the talk during the IBF Forum and Annual Meeting by Dr. Darrin Rubino on the dating of buildings, particularly barns, using tree ring data. It is fascinating! Register today for this year's meeting on July 16th in Martinsville/Morgan County.

Need more info?

Tree rings, the annual increments of wood that are deposited around the circumference of a tree, offer a unique opportunity to study historic growth patterns in trees and forests. Dendrochronology is the science of assigning accurate calendar dates to individual tree rings so that growth can be analyzed over extended time periods. Dendroarchaeology, a subfield of dendrochronology, is the study of the tree-ring patterns found in the timbers of historically erected structures (and other wooden objects) to determine when they were constructed. This talk will focus on how tree rings are used to date historic buildings and will highlight how tree-ring analysis is used to better understand historic architecture, forest use, and regional history throughout the Mid-Ohio River Valley. Along with his student researchers and colleagues, Darrin has been able to date timbers from over 200 buildings (including barns, churches, houses, mills, and buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places) and to create a vast database of accurately measured and dated tree rings that reaches back to the mid-15th century.

Following lunch we'll watch Darrin taking samples from the barns at the 1847 Cedar Lane Farm. Learn how you too may have your barn sampled and dated!

March 29, 2021 post by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources on Facebook:

The modern city of Harrisonburg grew up around this modest stone house, which until recently was thought to have been erected for Thomas Harrison ca. 1750. But new research and a dendrochronology study completed by James Madison University in 2018 has determined that it was built ca. 1790; Harrison died in 1785. Harrison laid out the town that was to bear his name on fifty acres of his holdings and was also instrumental in having Harrisonburg established as the Rockingham County seat in 1780. Prior to confirmation of the date of construction, it was believed that the first courts were held in this building, which is also associated with Bishop Francis Asbury, a pioneer leader of the Methodist Episcopal church, who often visited Harrison and conducted some of the county’s first Methodist services. While the original Thomas Harrison house no longer exists, this building remains an early example of stone vernacular architecture in the Shenandoah Valley, and a contributing building in the Harrisonburg Downtown Historic District. Its window architraves are cut from solid walnut timbers. This house remained in the Harrison family until 1870, which is probably why it was long-thought to have been Thomas Harrison’s. The nomination for the property is in the process of being updated based on this important new information. The original nomination, which was written in 1973, is accessible at the link above.

[Photo credit: David Edwards/DHR, 2021]

VLR Listing Date 06/19/1973
NRHP Listing Date 07/26/1973

Read more here: The Harrison House (formerly the Thomas Harrison House)

April 2, 2020 post by Piedmont Environmental Council on Facebook:

Historic Places in the Piedmont: Peter Hitt Log Cabin in Fauquier County.

This is part of our series of posts about fascinating historic places in the Piedmont, some of which you may never have heard of before.

While the Peter Hitt Cabin has not been formally recognized with a listing on the National Register of Historic Places, because of its unique association with Fauquier’s frontier story and high degree of integrity, we believe it is a resource that should be nominated.


This is the home of Peter Hitt, the grandson of Peter Hitt, who was one of 42 people to arrive in Virginia in 1714 as indentured servants of Governor Alexander Spotswood. Together, they established the earliest organized settlement of Germans in colonial Virginia along the Rapidan River at Fort Germanna. Peter Hitt (the grandson), was a veteran of the Revolutionary War and following his service he moved west, acquiring a land lease from the heirs of Lord Fairfax along the Rappahannock River in Fauquier County.

Based on dendrochronology, we learned that he built this house in the summer of 1800 from southern yellow pine. Today, the house stands as a capsule in time, a testament to the pioneering spirit of the area’s German settlers, as they continued to push west and create new frontiers. The Germanna Foundation

~Kristie Kendall, PEC’s historic preservation manager

Leaving the leaves not only improves soil quality and biodiversity it helps soak up rainwater, prevent floods and recharge groundwater.

Posted by Leaf of Life on Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 post by Leaf of Life on Facebook:

Leaving the leaves not only improves soil quality and biodiversity it helps soak up rainwater, prevent floods and recharge groundwater.

Douglas W. Tallamy Quotes on Goodreads

January 25, 2024 post by the Southern Colorado Plateau Network on Facebook:

The Language of Trees: The study of tree rings, dendrochronology, is far more than just counting rings - it’s a method of scientific dating based on the analysis of tree ring growth patterns. Trees are excellent indicators of the natural environment and provide researchers with annual historical ecological information. Dendrochronology can answer important questions pertaining to when a structure was built, how long it was inhabited, when people left and why. Pictured here is a great example of how a tree can speak. Aztec Ruins National Monument has much wood incorporated into the structures, and to determine the year in which the structure was built, dendrochronologists examine the outermost ring on wooden beams. This ring represents the year the tree was cut (the last year the tree was alive), and likely the year that this tree was used in construction. (Photo credit: NPS)

Ancient Trees

October 12, 2023 post by the Smithsonian Magazine on Facebook:

"In Search of the Old Ones: An Odyssey among Ancient Trees" from Smithsonian Books is an extraordinary journey to visit the oldest trees in the United States beautifully revealing the connection between humans and natural history.

What We Can Learn from the Oldest Living Trees Experience the wonder of ancient trees with this excerpt from the new book “In Search of the Old Ones”


Hardwoods is the No. 1 agricultural industry in the state in terms of jobs, wages and economic impact,” ... Indiana hardwood firms create more than $10 billion in annual revenues and support over 70,000 jobs, with a total annual economic impact of more than $15 billion. ... Indiana is ranked first in the U.S. in wood office furniture and hardwood veneer production. Depending on the year, Indiana leads or is in the top five states for wood kitchen cabinets and countertops, engineered wood products, prefabricated wooden buildings and homes, upholstered wooden furniture, and wooden coffins and caskets, for which black walnut is highly prized. Copied from Indiana Hardwoods Industry Is State’s Leading Ag Sector posted November 20, 2022 by Matthew Ernst on Farm Flavor.com.

Indiana's Hardwood Sector at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources states:

High-quality hardwood forests and a business-friendly environment, has made Indiana ranked:

  • 1st nationally in the production of wood office furniture and hardwood veneer
  • 2nd in wood kitchen cabinets and countertops, manufactured homes
  • 3rd in engineered wood products
  • 4th in pre-fabricated wood buildings
  • 5th in upholstered household furniture

Indiana’s hardwood industry has an annual economic impact of over $10 billion and supports 70,000 jobs -- 44,000 in primary and secondary manufacturing and 26,000 in ancillary sectors. 4.1 of Indiana’s 4.9 million forest acres are privately owned and statewide timber growth exceeds removals for harvest and natural tree mortality by 2.3 times. Hoosier forests offer a sustainable and natural raw material for manufactures that has an environmental impact difficult to beat!

Tree Canopy

October 2, 2023post by the West Rudisill Neighborhood Association on Facebook:

The Tree Canopy

When the emerald ash borer struck this area more than a decade ago we lost well over 100 ash trees on the boulevard. Over the past 15 years or so the association and friends have spend nearly $25,000 to help the city re-tree the boulevard in order to restore the lush canopy we once had. It is slowly coming back.

Our subordinate goal over these years has been to carry the beauty of Foster Park from Old Mill to Calhoun Street. So, we have planted flowering trees and ornamentals at intersections to emulate the work Parks does in the park.

When city forester Derek Veit appeared last week before council he cited a statistic that credits beautification with lowering crime.

Other studies conclude that an abundance of street trees slows traffic and calms the savages behind the wheel. On Rudisill that is an important goal. Among the trees we have and are yet to plant are also species that emit pleasing fragrances from spring to fall hoping that a little aromatherapy will encourage everyone to slow down and smell the flowering trees, and enjoy life that much more. Those trees often provide seeds and berries to birds who then sing for us.

Another study argues that trees add to property values, so that is another benefit of restoring the canopy.

Before the ash borer those who lived on the boulevard remember trees arching across Rudisill, nearly blocking the sun from the park to Calhoun. Cooling shade, majestic shade and beautification are our goals.

Now, our friend, the city controller, tells us that he has managed to set aside nearly $500,000 new dollars for additional tree plantings throughout the city. We will seek a few of those dollars to complete our canopy.

March 15, 2023 post by Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation on Facebook:

The benefits of trees which can easily be measured have been known for decades, but did you know that some benefits are less easy to measure yet significant to our well-being? Learn more in the latest Parks Podcast with Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Superintendent of Urban Forestry Derek Veit and Park Director Steve McDaniel. https://soundcloud.com/.../parks-podcast-the-benefits-of...

#FortWayneParks, #Podcast

August 25, 2022 post by Tree Canopy Growth Fund on Facebook:

Did you know there’s a Native Trees of Indiana River Walk on the Purdue University Fort Wayne campus?

This 1.25 mile path flows through PFW’s vibrant campus along the St. Joseph River so you can appreciate the native trees of Fort Wayne. On the walk, you’ll see over 100 native trees. 🌳

Learn more about the river walk: pfw.edu/microsites/native-trees/

Indiana Hardwood Lumberman's Association https://www.ihla.org/.

Big Trees

Big Trees Registry

September 12, 2023 post by the Indiana DNR Division of Forestry on Facebook:

BIG NEWS! We need your help finding big trees for the Big Tree Registry! Our website has been updated with Big Tree Champions, like this gorgeous sugar maple with a circumference of 210.5 inches and a height of 87.5 feet! We are also excited to unveil our new online nomination system, which will allow you to submit nominations for new big tree candidates year-round! To see the Big Tree Champions and review the instructions for nominating new candidates, please visit our website: Indiana Big Tree Register!


Indiana Big Tree Registry

Neither Allen County nor our neighboring counties have a current Indiana Big Tree on the register. Black Walnut, Juglans nigra in Elkhart County Benton Township and Persimmon, Diospyros virginiana in Miami County, Peru Township are the closest big trees. Back in 2005, the Indiana big sugar maple was in South Park Cemetery Whitley County from a plaque and newspaper article by the tree. Those big trees found in cemeteries would have been there when our ancestors were buried. The South Park Cemetery was still listed in the 2010 Indiana Big Tree Register on page 12 of the 24 page WordPress blog post.

  1. Indiana Big Tree Register alphabetical list the Indiana Department of Natural Resources - Indiana Big Tree Registry map shown above.
  2. Intro To Trees of Indiana Purdue University Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources
  3. The thickest, tallest, and oldest trees in Indiana at Monumental Trees

Indian Trail Marker Trees, Lost Secrets of History. posted Jun 15, 2021 by Dean Cornett on YouTube
Please watch the follow up video on the Indian Marker Trees and How to Age Them. More detailed. LINK : How To Age a Tree without Cutting it Down and more on Indian Trail marker Trees. These Indian Trail Marker Trees at one time where everywhere in and around the Forrest of North America. A look at who made them, How they made them and Why. They are slowly dyeing off now due to their age and so are their secrets of why they are there. Thanks for watching.

Go on a Historical Tree Tagging Mission for #EarthDay! Earth Day 2016′s theme is Trees for the Earth. If you can’t get...

Posted by Today's Document on Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016 post by Today's Document on Facebook:

Go on a Historical Tree Tagging Mission for #EarthDay!

Earth Day 2016′s theme is Trees for the Earth. If you can’t get out and plant a tree, help tag & transcribe vintage U.S. Forest Service tree photos in the US National Archives Catalog! This easy citizen archivist mission will help make these images more accessible and searchable for researchers and the public.

Becoming a Citizen Archivist is easy:
Citizen Archivist Missions

Find vintage Forest Service photos of Historical Trees to tag and transcribe in the National Archives Catalog: Search: "Historical Trees"

Check out the Citizen Contribution Policy for more information: Citizen Contribution Policy

Read about one of our “Virtual Volunteers” who spends his retirement as a Citizen Archivist: Virtual Volunteering, Retirement Project 2.0

What is the Wood Wide Web?

How trees secretly talk to each other. 🌳 (Via BBC World Service)

Posted by BBC Radio 4 on Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018 post by BBC Radio 4 on Facebook:

What is the Wood Wide Web?

How trees secretly talk to each other. 🌳

(Via BBC World Service)

Storms toppling trees reveal the extent of roots growing in the top foot or so of the soil. Roots are blocked from spreading by streets, curbs, buildings, sidewalks and other obstacles in the soil surrounding the trees. Roots should extent many feet beyond the drip line of healthy trees depending on the species.

Severe weather swept through northeast Indiana overnight leading to downed power lines and trees, and thousands of power outages. Check out a gallery of damage photos in this story.

Posted by WANE 15 on Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 post by WANE 15 on Facebook:

Severe weather swept through northeast Indiana overnight leading to downed power lines and trees, and thousands of power outages. Check out a gallery of damage photos in this story.

LOOK: Severe storm leaves damage in its path  

Chestnut blight in the early 1900s, Dutch elm disease in the 1950s, and emerald ash borer in the early 2000s have decimated those species of trees. News reports continue to discuss new discoveries of alien species that could become future problems.

Tree Species

ID That Tree, follow the playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

How To Identify Trees In Indiana May 26, 2021 on YouTube
Join Purdue FNR Extension Forester Lenny Farlee as he goes over the different principles used to identify various trees in Indiana. Lenny will provide examples of species to practice using those principles for identification.
Give us your feedback and take our survey as it helps us for future webinars/videos: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/...
101 Trees in Indiana: 101 Trees of Indiana: A Field Guide (Indiana Natural Science)
Shrubs and Woody Vines of Indiana and the Midwest: https://edustore.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=28-6
Native Trees of the Midwest: https://edustore.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=28-1
For publications, webinars, curriculum, and fun activities visit Purdue Extension - Forestry and Natural Resources: https://www.purdue.edu/fnr/extension/

For decades, 101 Trees of Indiana has provided all you need to identify a tree in the Hoosier State, whatever the...

Posted by Indiana University Press on Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024 post by the Indiana University Press on Facebook:

For decades, 101 Trees of Indiana has provided all you need to identify a tree in the Hoosier State, whatever the season. This revised edition includes over 100 species of trees, mostly native to the state but also others that are widely naturalized or planted extensively, plus a bevy of updated facts, statistics, and photos to provide even clearer and more accurate botanical details.

American Ash trees

Rockwood Drive at Glenrose Drive in Glenwood Park built in the 1960s on the northeast side of Fort Wayne shows dead ash trees in this July 2011 Street View photo on Google Maps.

Rockwood Drive at Glenrose Drive in Glenwood Park in the current Street View photo on Google Maps shows maple trees were planted in their place.

2900 block of Farnsworth in Brentwood a mile or so away also built in the 1960s on the northeast side of Fort Wayne shows dying ash trees in this July 2011 Street View photo on Google Maps.

2900 block of Farnsworth in Brentwood a mile or so away also built in the 1960s on the northeast side of Fort Wayne did not replace their dead ash trees in current Street View photo on Google Maps.

The July 5, 2012 video shown below with Chad Tinkel Fort Wayne Manager of Forestry stated 23% of city street trees were ash trees prior to the arrival of the emerald ash borer. See Emerald Ash Borer at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Google map with photos on Street View 2022 from the MLK, Martin Luther King, bridge has this October 2016 Street View showing fall colors.
An October 4, 2022 photo posted by Visit Fort Wayne on Facebook also showed the hybrid Autmn Purple ash trees lining Clinton Street at Headwaters Park. They have been treated since 2006 to prevent ash borer damage, from the Chad Tinkel video around 3:40 mark, and are some of the few ash trees remaing in the Fort Wayne area.

September 30, 2023 post by Steve Winans on Facebook:

ASH TREES ON CLINTON STREET [Headwaters Park - Chad Tinkel Fort Wayne Manager of Forestry in the 2012 video says the city has treated the trees for emearld ash borer since 2006]

A BEAUTIFUL evening!!

This is a photograph of the Ash Tree lined Clinton Street... I took this photograph looking North on Clinton @ Duck Street... Clinton is one way going South, so people don't normally see this perspective.... Headwaters Park is on both sides of Clinton Street!!

I took this photograph on September 30, 2020 @ 6:45 pm.

I hope you enjoy this look back... it sure was a GORGEOUS Evening.... Just like tonight!!

ID That Tree: White Ash by Mar 4, 2022 Purdue Extension - Forestry and Natural Resource on YouTube
In this episode of ID That Tree, meet the ash family, with specific focus on the white ash, which is typically found on higher and drier sites than its cohorts. This species, which is in trouble due to the emerald ash borer, an invasive beetle, features opposite leaf arrangement, compound leaves with seven to nine leaflets, and squatty terminal buds as well as a bud that dips down into the leaf scar, resembling a smiley face. The bark is gray and featured an interlacing network of ridges forming a diamond shape.
For more episodes of ID That Tree, follow the playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list....
For more resources including publications, K-12 curriculum, Ask an Expert, and FAQs visit Purdue Extension - Forestry and Natural Resources. https://www.purdue.edu/fnr/extension/

Can We Save Ash Trees from the Emerald Ash Borer? posted Aug 20, 2014 by Entomological Society of America on YouTube.
This was the winning video for the Outreach Category of the 2014 ESA YouTube Your Entomology contest. It was produced by David Showalter, a PhD student with the Department of Plant Pathology at The Ohio State University, and by Michael Falk, an MS student with the Department of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. An invasive beetle known as the emerald ash borer is threatening to eliminate ash trees from North American and European forests, but researchers at The Ohio State University and partner institutions are working to breed trees that can defend themselves.

  1. Should Ash Trees Still be Protected From Emerald Ash Borer? May 12th, 2023 in Forests and Street Trees, Invasive Insects, Urban Forestry at FORESTRY & NATURAL RESOURCES Purdue University.edu.
  2. Green Ash one of 100 trees on the Native Trees of Indiana River Walk at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Description: The most widely distributed of North American Ash, it is naturally found in swampy woods or on stream banks. Relatively free from insects and disease, and will grow in difficult conditions. Used in revegetation of strip mining areas. Leaves have 5 to 7 stalked leaflets. Many cultivars are available for landscape uses. The Emerald Ash Borer has been found in Indiana! This insect, accidentally introduced from Asia, is lethal to all native Ash species, and the potential for destruction of native Ash trees rivals that of Dutch Elm Disease on American Elm.
  3. White Ash one of 100 trees on the Native Trees of Indiana River Walk at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Description: The tree that “powers our national pastime,” White Ash furnishes the wood from which Louisville Slugger baseball bats are crafted. Leaves have 5 to 7 stalked leaflets. Many cultivars are available for landscape uses. The Emerald Ash Borer has been found in Indiana! This insect, accidentally introduced from Asia, is lethal to all native Ash species, and the potential for destruction of native Ash trees rivals that of Dutch Elm Disease on American Elm. ID That Tree: White Ash on Forestry & Natural Resources at Purdue/frn/extension.edu.
  4. Fort Wayne records benefit Purdue researchers in fighting emerald ash borer Doug Leduc, Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly, Tuesday, August 16, 2016 on Indiana Economic Digest. The first section of the article states: Fort Wayne started losing what eventually would amount to at least 15,000 trees to the emerald ash borer a decade ago. But, the city’s excellent records of the pest’s damage could help save up to 1 billion ash trees in other cities across the county. Records kept by the Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation Department helped a five-member team at Purdue University predict the progression of ash decline over time and conclude that saving the trees early is less costly than replacing them. The team was led by Cliff Sadof, an entomology professor, and Matt Ginzel, an associate professor. It used Fort Wayne’s well-kept records because the Summit City was the first sizable community where trees were attacked by the pest after it arrived in Indiana in 2004. The first U.S. sighting of the beetle was in 2002 in Ohio. It was found in Fort Wayne in 2006 “when we were just figuring out how to control these things and were experimenting with treatments,” Sadof said. “At first we didn’t know how to protect the tree,” he said. “Then, we had to figure out how to do it and make it cost effective. We thought it was going to be a nightmare.”
    1. Support Our Parks page at City of Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation states: TREE CANOPY REPLACEMENT: Our city has faced a major challenge resulting from the destructive effects of the Emerald Ash Borer. Our park strips and parks have lost tree canopy. This is a huge project and one that will not end until the ash tree population is replaced.
    2. A couple of newspaper articles no longer online were City offers discount to remove street ash trees published April 04, 2013, and As a result of the emerald ash borer killing thousands of city ash trees. City crews have removed thousands of the ash trees that once lined the streets of Fort Wayne, but it could take years to remove the 5,000 that remain copied from City’s ash borer war approaching $3 million published August 16, 2013 both by Dan Stockman in The Journal Gazette newspaper.
    3. Hour long video Municipal EAB Management Series: Memo to City Managers Sep 23, 2015 by Emerald Ash Borer University on YouTube
      Presented by Chad Tinkel, Manager of Forestry, City of Fort Wayne, IN on November 29, 2012

    4. 23% of Fort Wayne city street trees were ash trees from Trees Indiana - Fort Wayne Emerald Ash Borer Info Jul 5, 2012 by TreesIndiana1 on YouTube
      Presented by Chad Tinkel, Manager of Forestry, City of Fort Wayne, IN

  5. Emerald Ash Borer -Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire is an exotic beetle that feeds on ash (Fraxinus sp.) trees. Larvae feed in the phloem and outer sapwood, producing galleries that eventually girdle and kill branches and entire trees. This native of Asia was first discovered in southeastern Michigan in July 2002. On April 21, 2004, EAB was confirmed in Indiana. Since that time, this forest pest has spread throughout Indiana and the surrounding states. EAB has been detected in all 92 counties. Copied from Emerald Ash Borer at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
  6. The Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis or EAB) is responsible for the destruction of tens of millions of ash trees in 30 states. Native to Asia, it likely arrived in the United States hidden in wood packing materials. The first U.S. identification of Emerald Ash Borer was in southeastern Michigan in 2002. There are a variety of treatment options that can serve as a control measure for the EAB, but they are not a cure. Because pesticide regulations differ from State to State, homeowners should contact their State department of agriculture or local extension office for guidance. Copied from Emerald Ash Borer Beetle at Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  7. Photo of dying ash trees in 2015

    2015 dying ash trees

    July 23, 2015 post by Indiana DNR Division of Forestry on Facebook:

    The emerald ash borer (EAB) is the most destructive forest pest introduced into North America in recent history. Here in central Indiana we have seen an increase in ash mortality this year as evidenced by this photo from Hancock County. Trees that were in full leaf last summer are now dying, if not already dead. Homeowners should contact a professional arborist if they suspect EAB in their ash trees. Forest landowners can contact their District Forester for an initial assessment of the ash tree in their woods.

  8. July 15, 2022 post by the USDA Agricultural Research Service on Facebook:

    The invasive emerald ash borer has killed hundreds of millions of ash trees in North America since 2002.

    Fortunately, a tiny parasitic wasp is a promising candidate for controlling the invasive, wood-boring pest. Click to learn more Wasp Recruited to Fight Emerald Ash Borer.

  9. April 18, 2023 post by the USDA Agricultural Research Service on Facebook:

    Despite its beautiful colors, the emerald ash borer is an invasive pest that has cost hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to trees.

    Scientists with ARS are using two approaches to control this destructive pest: beneficial insects and a genetic technology called RNA interference. Learn more about our research in this area https://bit.ly/3mOOc87

  10. Ash #trees are ecologically and economically important species in North America. Ash trees provide food and habitat for...

    Posted by U.S. Forest Service on Friday, April 26, 2024

    Friday, April 26, 2024 post by the U.S. Forest Service on Facebook:

    Ash #trees are ecologically and economically important species in North America. Ash trees provide food and habitat for wildlife and are widely planted in urban environments. They are also being devastated by an enemy smaller than a penny.

    The emerald ash borer is one of the most destructive invasive species in North America. Read about it and how we’re fighting back at The future of ash trees.

  11. Ash tree borer treatment

    May 29, 2024 post by Indiana DNR Division of Forestry on Facebook:

    Yesterday, a large ash tree on the east side of the Indiana Statehouse received a trunk injection for protection against invasive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). Holes were drilled into the trunk of the tree and an insecticide was injected to kill any current or future EAB larvae tunneling inside. Without this treatment, this tree would die from the larvae’s consumption and destruction of its inner tissue in just a few years. For large urban trees like this, the consequences of its death could be very costly and dangerous. There is a lot to consider when deciding whether to treat an ash tree. Learn more at Should ash trees still be protected from emerald ash borer?!

American basswood Tilia americana - Linden trees

American basswood (Tilia americana), with its low-hanging branches. This native tree is found throughout the eastern United States. Interesting variations in the collection include including Carolina linden (T. americana var. caroliniana), Florida basswood (T. americana var. floridana), and white basswood (T. americana var. heterophylla). All three of these trees are closely related to American basswood. Copied from Linden Collection Linden (Tilia) trees are large stately trees whose flowers have a distinct and beautiful scent at the Morton Arboretum.

April 26, 2024 Liden tree dedication

April 26, 2024 linden tree dedication at the Lindenwood Cemetery Arboretum Arbor Day Celebration

American Chestnut tree

Page 45 of the History of Allen County, Indiana. Publication date 1880 Publisher Kingman Brothers on Archive.org only mentions chestnut one time stating: The chestnut, so common throughout the United States in this latitude, is unknown here.

AMERICAN CHESTNUT BLIGHT - Greatest forest loss in history posted Nov 10, 2011 by Dean Cornett on YouTube
There were once almost 4 billion American chestnuts and they were among the largest, tallest, and fastest-growing trees in the eastern forest. The wood was long-lasting, straight-grained, and suitable for furniture, fencing, and building. The nuts fed billions of birds and animals. It was almost a perfect tree - that is, until it was killed by a blight a century ago. That blight has been called the greatest ecological disaster to strike the world's forests in all of history. A tree that had survived all adversaries for 40 million years had disappeared within 40.

  1. American Chestnut one of 100 trees on the Native Trees of Indiana River Walk at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Description: Once the dominant tree throughout the eastern deciduous forests of the United States where it grew to impressive dimensions of height and width. In the early 1900's, a fungal disease was introduced from Asia. By 1940, the mighty Chestnut trees had been decimated by this disease. The American Chestnut Cooperators' Foundation works toward developing blight-resistant American Chestnuts and biological controls against Chestnut Blight.
  2. The American chestnut was once common in the Oak-Chestnut dry woodlands of the eastern United States. Chestnut blight – a fungal disease (introduced from trees from China) at the Bronx Zoo in New York in 1904 – killed approximately 3.5 billion American chestnut trees in less than 50 years. Chestnuts are considered functionally extinct because the blight fungus does not kill the tree's root system underground. American chestnuts attempt to survive by sending up stump sprouts that grow vigorously in logged or otherwise disturbed sites but inevitably succumb to the blight and die back to the ground. It is very rare to find even a stump sprout chestnut in the forest. Chestnuts were fast-growing, rot-resistant, and the wood was used to make cabin logs, barns, furniture, fence posts and railroad ties. Sweet, acorn-size nuts were prized by wildlife. Copied from a longer article Chestnut blight keeps trees from growing locally by Ricky Kemery published Nov 23, 2021 Updated Jun 3, 2022 in The Journal Gazette newspaper.
  3. Mid-19th century photo American chestnut tree
    American Chestnut Foundation photo
    Sometimes reaching a height of more than 100 feet tall with trunk diameters often well over 10 feet, the American chestnut was the giant of the eastern U.S. forests. There were once billions of them and their range stretched from Georgia and Alabama to Michigan, but the majestic tree was gone before forest science existed to document its role in the ecosystem. Notes left by early foresters including Gifford Pinchot, the founder and first chief of the USDA Forest Service, suggest that its ecological role was as impressive as the tree’s size [shown on cover of Realistic Restoration Targets] (PDF, 1.3 MB). Mature American chestnuts have been virtually extinct for decades. The tree’s demise started with something called ink disease in the early 1800s, which steadily killed chestnut in the southern portion of its range. The final blow happened at the turn of the 20th century when a disease called chestnut blight swept through Eastern forests. The disappearance of the chestnut launched a profound change in the structure and composition of eastern forests. Copied from a longer article What it Takes to Bring Back the Near Mythical American Chestnut Trees posted by Jane Hodgins, Public Affairs Specialist, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service in Forestry Jul 29, 2021 at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  4. The American Chestnut Foundation https://acf.org/
  5. The American chestnut was wiped out a century ago. Could it make a comeback? by Jacob Fenston posted October 18, 2021on NPR Station WAMU 88.5 an NPR station.
  6. September 14, 2022 post by Mt. Cuba Center on Facebook:

    Finding a 70-foot tall, 50-years-old American chestnut (Castanea dentata) tree is practically unheard of, but in 2019 a hunter near Mt. Cuba Center on the Coverdale Farm Preserve found such a rarity. Mt. Cuba arborist, Eric Kelley, climbed the tree to collect pollen samples that, as of August 2022, confirmed the tree is 100 percent American chestnut – a cause for major celebration as finds like this are not only incredibly rare, but provide researchers with an invaluable information source. WHYY covered the news and recently released this article describing the find: Eagle-eyed Delaware hunter chances upon ‘holy grail’ of tree lovers — full-grown American chestnut.

    Mt. Cuba collaborates with The American Chestnut Foundation and some of their affiliates, like Tyler Arboretum and Delaware Nature Society, to grow American chestnuts in hopes of one day establishing healthy populations. In Mt. Cuba’s natural lands there is an American/Chinese chestnut backcross orchard, and there are progeny of the Coverdale chestnut growing in our greenhouses. If you want to learn more about what Mt. Cuba does to support American chestnut conservation, read our American chestnut blog here: Conserving the American Chestnut

  7. December 6, 2022 post by Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves on Facebook:

    It used to be a common occurrence seeing a mature American chestnut (Castanea dentata) in eastern Ohio. It was a common tree prior to the 20th century and important food source for numerous animals, including the extinct passenger pigeon. This would all change at the turn of the century when the chestnut blight was accidentally introduced from Asia. It raced across the eastern US and by 1950 an estimated 4 billion chestnuts were gone and the tree reproductively went almost extinct.

    Today, it’s not uncommon to find stump sprouts in the eastern half of Ohio but a mature fruit-producing tree is extremely rare. The blight uses various oak species as a host and frequently attacks and kills back resprouted chestnuts.

    Featured here is one of Ohio’s largest and most impressive remaining chestnuts. It’s a treat to see the ground covered in its distinctive spiky burrs this time of year. Unfortunately, chestnuts require cross-pollination and this lonely solo tree’s burrs produce aborted nuts. It persists and offers a glimpse to our state's past.

  8. August 2, 2023 discussion on Appalachian Americans on Facebook.
  9. American Chestnut Trees once the Pride of the Appalachia's posted Jul 26, 2022 by DONNIE LAWS on YouTube

    The American Chestnut Oak tree was the pride of the Appalachian Mountains. Among the most common and tallest trees of the mountains from Maine to Mississippi. These people depended on these tress for their livelihood and way of life. Thanks for watching. NOTE: Some pictures are just to tell the story and not the actual pictures.

  10. December 14, 2023 post by the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park on Facebook:

    “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire” is the opening lyric to the Christmas song written by Mel Tormé and made famous by Nat King Cole.

    Have you ever had roasted chestnuts? This Christmas treat was very popular throughout much of the Eastern United States in the 18th and 19th centuries.

    Perhaps the Hensleys and the Gibbons treated themselves to this holiday food during cold winters at the settlement. Chestnuts grew plentiful on top of the Cumberland Mountain.

    In fact, when Sherman Hensley first arrived on the mountain in 1903, the American Chestnut dominated the landscape. The families used the wood for building materials, and the nuts as food for their livestock. The hogs and sheep loved the chestnuts, and—most likely—so did the families!

    Sadly, the American chestnut trees at Hensley Settlement fell victim to the same blight that killed chestnuts throughout the country.

    Originating from a fungus that first arrived in New York City in 1904, the blight spread throughout North America, killing most of the chestnut trees within 40 years. The blight was devastating for many a homesteading family, including the inhabitants of Hensley Settlement: they not only lost an important building material, but also a food source.

    As Sherman Hensley later recalled, “the hogs never tasted the same after the blight.”

    #RoastinChestnutsDay #ChristmasSong

    Image: Creative Commons, Wikipedia

    Nat King Cole - "The Christmas Song" November 24, 2017 on YouTube
    Nat King Cole performing his holiday classic, "The Christmas Song." Copyright King Cole Partners, LLC.
    Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose, Yuletide carols being sung by a choir, And folks dressed up like Eskimos - go to rest of the Lyrics

American Elm tree

The Story of the American Elm posted Apr 23, 2020 by Wake County, North Carolina on YouTube
Park staff had originally planned to hold a program for Arbor Day, which is being celebrated on April 24th. We planned to explore the history of this special day; examine the importance of trees to daily life; look at some of the threats facing trees today; and take a walk to see different notable trees in the park. With April programs now cancelled, we wanted to share part of that program with you through this video about the American elm tree that can be found in the park mill yard. We hope you will enjoy it!

  1. American Elm one of 100 trees on the Native Trees of Indiana River Walk at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Description: Once used extensively as a street tree, in its best form American Elm is vase-shaped and strongly arched above with drooping branches. Dutch Elm Disease, a wilt fungus introduced from Europe in the 1930’s and spread by Elm Bark Beetles, caused the devastation of most trees, and continues to cause losses among remaining trees.
  2. The first Big Tree Champion American Elm was crowned in 2024 in Vigo County at 182 inches in circumference, 110 feet wide, and 120 feet tall from a July 9, 2024 post on Facebook.
  3. February 4, 2021 post by The Journal Gazette on Facebook:

    HISTORY JOURNAL // Aug. 10, 1956 // Workers remove an elm tree on Nuttman Avenue. The dead tree was among hundreds that had to be removed as Dutch elm disease spread through the city.

    Dutch elm disease is caused from a fungus carried on the bodies of beetles. It has wiped out the elms in many large cities in the East. Only one case was noted here in 1949; two in 1950; four each in 1951 and 1952; and three in 1953. In 1954 the department discovered 23 dead elms and in 1955, some 334 were removed! Yesterday [August 9, 1956] it was reported than 198 trees have had to be removed thus far this season. There were an estimated 14,000 elms in the city. Copied Aug. 10, 1956: Taking down an elm tree by Corey McMaken with a photo showing an elm tree being cut down.

  4. August 26, 2021 post by The Journal Gazette on Facebook:

    HISTORY JOURNAL // July 19, 1969: Crews work to remove a dead tree. Thousands of trees were removed starting in the 1950s as Dutch elm disease spread through the area.

    In 1959 alone, 1,328 elms were removed, including 1,081 along streets, according to a 1960 Journal Gazette story. In 1959, staff was added and new mechanical equipment was bought to help in the fight, such as a mobile aerial tower for the removal of tree limbs. The first three years of the battle cost the city about $120,000, according to the 1960 JG story. Copied from a longer article Elm disease consumed decades Corey McMaken.

  5. August 22, 2023 post by LC Nature Park on Facebook:

    The American Elm (Elmba americana), a large deciduous tree known for its wide-spread canopy and doubly-toothed leaves, used to be an iconic tree species in the United States, and is the next tree in the #50tressofindiana. It was often planted in parks, scattered on campuses, and along roads and streets for its glorious encompassing shade and beauty.

    Unfortunately, their wide existence has dwindled, largely thanks to the devastation of Dutch Elm Disease (DED). (This disease is not of Dutch origin; rather, the pathologists who worked on researching the disease were Dutch.) DED has killed hundreds of thousands of native elms across the US. The fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi (good luck pronouncing that!) causes the disease and spreads via elm bark beetles. DED slowly kills the tree by clogging the tree's water-conducting vessels, which leads to wilt, yellowing leaves, and eventually, death.

    The good news is that disease-resistant elm cultivars and hybrids are available or being developed, such as 'Princeton' and 'Valley Forge'. Hopefully, in time, the elm population will return to solid numbers, as it is once again being used to line our streets and fill our yards, parks, and campuses (selectively, of course).

    *Fifty Common Trees of Indiana was written by the late T.E. Shaw (with help from the extension forestry staff of Purdue University); it includes 51 trees (not 50 as the title would have you believe) common to Indiana. He wrote this booklet for "Hoosiers who want to become acquainted with Indiana trees." ⁠ We hope that includes you. 🌳

American Plum - Prunus americana

Wild plum Prunus americana The Morton Arboretum

American plum. Native tree, small in stature. Alternate leaf arrangement. Flowers smell fragrant. Not to be confused...

Posted by Fox Island County Park on Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 post by Fox Island County Park on Facebook:

American plum. Native tree, small in stature. Alternate leaf arrangement. Flowers smell fragrant. Not to be confused with non-native Callery pear trees that do not belong here and invade our natural areas, and smell of fish. Protrusions on the American plum are not real thorns, but are sharp and may feel like thorns.

Bald Cypress

April 27, 2016 post by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources on Facebook:

Another type of swamp, a bald cypress swamp, occurs in far southwestern Indiana. Like most natural features, it is not as common today as it once was. Bald cypress is the near the natural northern limit of bald cypress in the world. Twin Swamps Nature Preserve is a great place to see this this type of swamp, complete with a boardwalk. It’s like being in Florida or Louisiana.

Eastern Red Cedar - Juniperus virginiana

Seeds are spread by birds. Very common in old cemeteries and open areas that are not mowed or otherwise maintained.

There are several big old Eastern red cedar trees around 11330 Madden Road in Eel River River Cemetery shown in the Street View photo from Google Maps

The female cones of Juniperus virginiana, known by many as eastern red cedar, are turning their characteristic blue...

Posted by Virginia Native Plant Society on Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015 post by the Virginia Native Plant Society on Facebook:

The female cones of Juniperus virginiana, known by many as eastern red cedar, are turning their characteristic blue color and "popping' out in the scenery right now. These tiny cones are favored food for many species of birds and other wildlife. This stand was so heavily covered in cones that from a distance it looked like snow cover.

Eastern Red Cedar While in the grip of winter we thought it might be fun to take a deeper look at Ohio’s native...

Posted by Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves on Saturday, February 6, 2021

Saturday, February 6, 2021 post by the Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves on Facebook:

Eastern Red Cedar

While in the grip of winter we thought it might be fun to take a deeper look at Ohio’s native conifers. These specialized trees are popular during the cold, snowy months for keeping their needles or scale-like leaves year-round and providing a bit of color on the landscape.

Our next featured conifer is the eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana). This is hands down our most common species of conifer in Ohio. It occurs throughout the entire state in a wide variety of open habitats. Red cedars were much more uncommon before European settlement in Ohio and were mostly restricted to bluffs, cliffs, and other open, rocky habitats. Once the land was cleared red cedar began to spread rapidly, especially from birds spreading their attractive blue berry-like cones.

Red cedar is easy to identify by its evergreen spiky foliage, glaucous blue cones, and shredding bark. The leaves on younger trees/branches have sharp-pointed tips that are quick to prick while older leaves/branches tend to be more crowded and appressed. Red cedar is a dioecious species meaning there are separate male and female trees. Males release their pollen in early spring with the females bearing the mature blue cones later in the year. Red cedar bark is rather fibrous and often comes off in long strips. The heartwood is treasured lumber for its gorgeous pink-red color and very pleasing aroma.

Despite having the common name of ‘cedar’, the red cedar is actually a juniper and closely related to the desert southwest and mountain west’s juniper species. Red cedar can be a long-lived tree and grow into beautiful forms reminiscent of the mammoth giant sequoias of California.

Stay tuned for our next featured native conifer!

I MADE IT TO BIG TREE #200 and this is likely my 11th state champion find as it would blow the current one out of the...

Posted by Adam Kraft on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 post by Adam Kraft on Facebook:

I MADE IT TO BIG TREE #200 and this is likely my 11th state champion find as it would blow the current one out of the water. We'll see what the head of the program says. A BIG Eastern Red Cedar((Juniperus virginiana) 131" circumference(3.5' diameter) with an average crown spread of 41.5' and stands at a pretty amazing 62.1' tall. This was a good find!

All trees in tonight's post located at Oakridge cemetery in Marshall MI(Calhoun County)

Flowering Dogwood Tree - Cornus florida

Flowering dogwood is a small to medium woodland understory tree, native throughout most of the eastern United States. Showy white, red, or pink flowering bracts appear before the leaves in early spring. Dark green summer foliage turns a brilliant reddish-purple in fall. It is sensitive to adverse soil and environmental conditions such as road salt and pollution. Best planted in acidic soil. Copied from Flowering dogwood Cornus florida at Morton Arboretum.

Blooming dogwood in Lindenwood Cemetery

April 26, 2024 post by 21Alive on Facebook showing one of several native dogwood trees blooming in Lindenwood Cemetery.

For the past 54 years, the Orleans community has celebrated the blooming of the dogwood trees with a festival the last...

Posted by Orleans Dogwood Festival on Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 post by Orleans Dogwood Festival on Facebook:

For the past 54 years, the Orleans community has celebrated the blooming of the dogwood trees with a festival the last full week of April. This year's 54th annual Dogwood Festival will begin this weekend April 20 and will runs through April 27.

In the early 1960s, the Village Improvement Society, under the direction of Elizabeth "Bill" Wheeler, began planting dogwood trees along the town streets, in Congress Square and around the town's cemeteries.

Then in 1965, the town celebrated its Sesquicentennial. Following the Sesquicentennial, local leaders needed to find a new focus. Kate Noblitt envisioned an annual festival based on the blooming of the dogwoods. Her effort led to the annual festival and Orleans being named to Dogwood Capital of Indiana.

So each spring, Orleans residents are joined by former residents and other area citizens in marking the Dogwood Festival. The fickle spring weather sometimes plays havoc with events. But every year since 1968 there has been a festival.

[ Orleans, Orange County, Indiana population 2,142 in the 2010 census, Orleans Dogwood Festival on Facebook ]

Ginkgo biloba

  1. Ginkgo at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, suburb of Chicago, Illinois. Ginkgo is a hardy, pest-resistant, and attractive large tree. It has unusual fan-shaped leaves that turn vivid yellow in fall. Only male trees should be purchased, as the females produce seeds with a soft, fruitlike covering that can be messy and have a potent odor.
  2. Ginkgo at the Mayo Clinic. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is one of the oldest living tree species. Most ginkgo products are made with extract prepared from its fan-shaped leaves. The most helpful components of ginkgo are believed to be flavonoids, which have powerful antioxidant qualities, and terpenoids, which help improve circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the "stickiness" of platelets. Ginkgo is commonly available as an oral tablet, extract, capsule or tea. Don't eat raw or roasted ginkgo seeds, which can be poisonous.
  3. Ginkgo Biloba at the National Library of Medicine. Ginkgo biloba is one of the most commonly used herbal supplements used in the world.
  4. Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba, commonly known as ginkgo or gingko (/ˈɡɪŋkoʊ, ˈɡɪŋkɡoʊ/ GINK-oh, -⁠goh), also known as the maidenhair tree, is a species of gymnosperm tree native to East Asia. It is the last living species in the order Ginkgoales, which first appeared over 290 million years ago, and fossils very similar to the living species, belonging to the genus Ginkgo, extend back to the Middle Jurassic epoch approximately 170 million years ago. The tree was cultivated early in human history and remains commonly planted, and is widely regarded as a living fossil. Ginkgo leaf extract is commonly used as a dietary supplement, but there is insufficient clinical evidence that it supports human health or is effective against any disease. At Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Ginkgo biloba GIANT at a small cemetery outside of Prospect, Ohio..🌳🇺🇸🌳💪🌳 203" in circumference 74' tall 82' average crown spread

Posted by Big Trees Ohio on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 post by Big Trees Ohio on Facebook:

Ginkgo biloba GIANT at a small cemetery outside of Prospect, Ohio..🌳🇺🇸🌳💪🌳

203" in circumference

74' tall

82' average crown spread


The Nature of Oaks with Doug Tallamy July 29, 2022 New York Botanical Garden on YouTube
Oaks support more species of life than any other tree genus in North America, sustaining everything from acorn-collecting woodpeckers to caterpillars that dazzle like jewels. In his latest book, The Nature of Oaks, award-winning author Doug Tallamy shares insights from his study of these superior trees and details how and why they do more than other shade trees to support animal diversity, protect watersheds, and sequester carbon dioxide. Join us as we explore how returning more of these essential trees to green spaces will help restore ecological integrity to our human-dominated landscapes.
Doug Tallamy, Ph.D., is Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. Chief among his research goals is to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the diversity of animal communities. Tallamy is a prolific researcher and the author of many books, including Bringing Nature Home, The Living Landscape, Nature’s Best Hope, and his latest The Nature of Oaks.

Why is oak important? Dan Shaver, August 2008 The Nature Conservancy.

Tree Profile: White Oak: Adapted to zones 3-9, the White Oak (Quercus alba) is a large oak tree reaching heights of...

Posted by Extension Master Gardener on Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024 post by Extension Master Gardener on Facebook:

Tree Profile: White Oak:
Adapted to zones 3-9, the White Oak (Quercus alba) is a large oak tree reaching heights of 60-100 feet and a mature width of 50-80ft. Before you decide to plant this species, be sure you have room if you decide to plant it.

White Oak

Pawpaw trees

  1. Pawpaw – the Indiana Banana? John E. Woodmansee, December 24, 2021, Garden, Purdue Extension News, Purdue University Extension.
  2. Pawpaws: What you need to know about the 'Hoosier banana' Karl Schneider August 7, 2023 Indianapolis Star.
  3. Pawpaw on the NATIVE TREES OF INDIANA RIVER WALK at Purdue Fort Wayne.

September 21, 2020 post by Young Urban Homesteaders on Facebook:

It’s Paw Paw season 🤤

A.k.a the Indiana Banana 🍌

This fruit has been around since Pangea! Yep, that’s right! Since all the continents were one large landmass! They actually evolved before the honeybee, thus they are pollinated by flies and beetles.

So, technically it’s an ancient fruit 😲🤯

The Paw Paw is one of my favorite fall treats! Plus, it is a good source of many vitamins, minerals. It is even a great source of B vitamins, Calcium, and Iron 💪🏽

Have you ever enjoyed a Paw Paw? Tell us your experience in the comments! 💛

#pawpaw #indianabanana #poormansbanana #deliciousaf #localaf #ancientfruit #pangea #wegrewthese #tropicalgoodness #midwestisbest

September 17, 2023 post by the Wabash County Historian on Facebook:

We grow more than corn in Wabash County. These are PAW PAWS (technical [scientific] name is Asimina triloba) also called INDIANA BANANAS. Its that time of the year again when they begin to ripen. Indiana Bananas are ripening and are bigger and better than last year. Known as paw paws they are a yellowish green to brownish black tropical fruit found right here in Indiana. Some say they taste like a banana with a hint of mango and melon. Other claim they are more like a papaya, pear, or pineapple. One taste tester said it tastes like “sour, banana flavored custard.” You decide. Found in "patches" in shady, rich bottom land. the tree can get up to 40 feet with large leaves that point to the ground in clusters. Paw Paw Creek and Paw Paw Township are named for them. Some of you may remember an old song "Pickin' up paw paws put them in a basket," well this is where the song came from. The fruit does not travel well so you will probably never find them in a store. Seeds of the Paw Paw have been found in early Native American archeological sites.

Ginger Jagger recalls" I remember as a young girl going paw paw picking. Our dad drove out in the country somewhere and me and my sisters filled our pockets full of them. I got hot going home and took off my jacket, forgot I had paw paws and sat on my jacket!" Keith Snyder adds

"Good luck finding them. The squirrels and deer eat 'em as fast as they get ripe"

WPD 9-19-1908 “Hoosier bananas are being picked. They are of remarkable size and are delicious.”

September 15, 2022 post by Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves on Facebook:

Today is National Paw Paw Day! We celebrate the amazing pawpaw. Pawpaw is the most northern member of the family Annonaceae, custard-apple family.

This deciduous, subcanopy tree forms colonies "pawpaw patch" in rich woods, occurring on stream terraces, lower slopes and mid to upper slopes on north and east facing slopes.

The purplish-red flowers bloom from April to May and release a "yeasty" odor to attract beetles.

Pawpaw is most famous for its fruit which is the largest native fruit in North America. In recent decades there has been more interest in the cultivation of pawpaw as a food source. The Paw Paw Festival near Athens, Ohio has become a popular event featuring many different uses of the fruit.

Most species in this family occur in the sub-tropics and tropics. In Ohio it occurs in every county. It is not difficult to find a colony of this beautiful tree, but it is hard to find the fruit.

For more information on the Pawpaw:


September 25, 2022 post by My Indiana Home on Facebook:

Pawpaws are affectionately nicknamed “Hoosier bananas,” though the flavor is more a blend of banana, pineapple, melon and mango. Check out these fascinating facts about indigenous tropical fruit!

Farm Facts: Pawpaws;

August 19, 2023 post by The Decolonial Atlas on Facebook:

Welcome to another bountiful harvest of Turtle Island's largest native fruit.

September 4, 2023 post by Appalachian Forager on Facebook:

September 14, 2023 post by Mt. Cuba Center on Facebook:

Today is National Pawpaw Day! Pawpaws (Asimina triloba) belong to the custard apple plant family, Annonaceae, members of which are found mostly in tropical regions. The pawpaw is North America’s largest native edible fruit. It looks like a small mango and has a creamy texture and tropical taste that is often compared to bananas. The tropical reference doesn't stop at fruit flavor though, the plant’s large, glossy leaves stand out in the garden and lend the tree an exotic look. Have you ever tried a pawpaw?

Red Bud

Some trees and plants have a flair for the dramatic 🌸 When spring arrives, they take center stage and put on quite a...

Posted by Arbor Day Foundation on Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thursday, March 28, 2024 post by Arbor Day Foundation on Facebook:

Some trees and plants have a flair for the dramatic 🌸

When spring arrives, they take center stage and put on quite a show by flowering and growing fruit from their main stems or woody trunks rather than from new growth and shoots. This head-turning process is called cauliflory and it’s not only delightfully surprising but incredibly beautiful.

Cue the applause.

Silver Maple - Acer saccharinum

* Drought tolerant. Grows rapidly which produces weak wood. Prone to storm damage. Creates weed seedlings. From the Fort Wayne Plant List.

Let’s talk about street trees and Fort Wayne’s tree canopy

Posted by The Local Fort Wayne on Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 post by The Local Fort Wayne on Facebook:

Let’s talk about street trees and Fort Wayne’s tree canopy

In the Northside area, there are a lot of large, over-mature Silver Maples that are simply a liability at this point. Many of these are older trees that hang over the public right-of-way, so that’s what makes them subject to removal, and we only remove them when we believe they present a risk to public safety.

One big reason for Silver Maples is their age. I haven’t met the arborist from Fort Wayne who has admitted to planting Silver Maples yet. But one story I’ve heard is: After World War II, soldiers didn’t have jobs, and one task was planting trees along city streets. So people would drive pickup trucks full of seedlings and put them into the ground wherever they saw a spot. So you now have streets lined with these trees that were planted about 75 years ago, and many of them are becoming over-mature, perhaps faster than another species of tree would. Silver Maples can live up to 130-150 years, but most in urban settings, they live between 35-100 years. Unfortunately, they’re reaching their limits, and in areas where they’re plentiful, they’re coming down all at once.

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