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Allen County, Indiana Genealogy
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Most of the historical online ebooks on our site are found searching the internet for books at Archive.org as they offer an easy ability to embed flip books on our pages. We are finding some books on HathiTrust.org a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. Google eBook are used too although they are often easier to use when found on the other sites. The Online Books Page listing over 3 million free books on the Web at UPENN.edu is a useful site for finding links to ebooks on various topics usually on the previously listed sites. Project Gutenberg with 60,000 older books off copyright can also be useful.
Most of the Fort Wayne, Allen County ebooks are digitized from the collection of The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We have a video on our Library page that shows how they digitize the books. How to find the ebooks on the library online card catalog is shown in their video below:
October 28, 2020 post by the Genealogy Center on Facebook:
Family History Month Genealogy Tip - Digitized books in the Genealogy Center Collection
[ See more in the Digital Center section of our Library page ]
October 4, 2020 post by the Genealogy Center on Facebook:
Family History Month Genealogy Tip - Internet Archive
[ See more in the Digital Center section of our Library page ]
December 11, 2023 post by Internet Archive on Facebook:
Interested in researching your family history? Learn how genealogist Taneya Y. Koonce uses the Internet Archive's vast collections of digitized yearbooks, newspapers, location histories & government records to piece together her family’s story:
Genealogist uncovers family histories with help of Internet Archive
- There are thousands of ebooks online depending on how you search such as City of Fort Wayne, Indiana with over 15,000 city documents, Fort Wayne Indiana with over 20,000 ordinance documents, Fort Wayne Americana 20,000 more items, and Allen County Indiana over 55,000 items including non-Allen County "stuff" online at Archive.org.
- The Allen County Public Library collection is from our local The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, some are Google ebooks and from other repositories.
- Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center-microfilm collection has over 36,000 titles on various topics and locations many from the National Archives.
- Access Fort Wayne collection and Lincoln Programs at the Allen County Public Library are also online.
- Links to some of those books are also organized by publication date or subject on our Timeline, People, and Places pages.
- My 5 Favorite Collections on Internet Archive by Gena Philibert-Ortega published November 26, 2018 on the Legacy News Family Tree blog.

Posted May 17, 2022 by Randy Harter, Fort Wayne historian and authoron True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook
Several of you (as well as myself) have lamented over buildings that are being razed in Fort Wayne to build something we feel is less desirable or needed at the cost of the former structure. Often we are disappointed because we have a nostalgic emotional attachment to the building or business that it once housed. And, sometimes it just appears to us that the building should be able to be rehabbed for its next use rather than leveled as the current owner or developer feels is appropriate. Other times we’re dispirited based of our perception due to our being the outsiders looking in without all the facts that only owners, contractors and developers have at hand. As recently mentioned by some of you, some buildings can’t be practically saved due to age and condition regardless of how they appear. As a longtime student of local history I among many of you have at times felt betrayed when a wonderful old building suddenly disappears. However, to impinge the reputation of those that are doing the razing and rebuilding simply due to they being able to afford to do so makes little sense as in many cases our city is fortunate to have their generous support across a wide range of meaningful local causes.
As an example of our (for better or worse) always changing skyline, recently some members of the Fort Wayne History Roundtable labeled this wonderful view taken in 1889 from the bell tower of St. Paul’s Church on Barr Street. If you’re able to read the small print you’ll see that we were only able to find two identifiable buildings in the entire view that are still standing out of the dozens in the photograph. These are the building on S. Calhoun that now house the Dash-In and its neighbor to the north that most recently housed Klinger Jewelry. As best we can tell every one of the other buildings in the photo has been razed for one reason or another, even once glorious churches. One of you paraphrased in a recent post the quote “When one door closes another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” - Alexander Graham Bell I appreciate that we are a progressive city on the move, even when the moves don’t always fit my pleasure. I hope you enjoy this 133 year old image.
The photo is labeled 4/2022 by local historians C. Smith, C. Leonard, R. Harter, T. Castaldi, J. Downs with a hand from Bert Griswold author of the 1917 Pictorial History and newspaper writer with more about Fort Wayne.
Most ebooks use optical character recognition for keyword searching, but they won't find every instance of every keyword. Be sure to look for an index in the back of the books, and when all else fails, read or scan important sections of the ebooks that might contain the information you are looking for even if a keyword search does or does not find what you are looking for. Some books in the The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indianahave added manually indexed versions of these book that will have surnames the OCR does not find.
It can be helpful to consult the The Genealogy Center online card catlog to see if a separarte index has been created since the original publication. One example is the two volume Valley of the upper Maumee River, with historical account of Allen County and the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana which has a couple of different surname indexes.
Many of these books were digitized at the Allen County Public Librarywhile some may only be available in The Genealogy Center. Some of these books may be for sale locally such as at Coney Island Wiener Stand Book Collection, The History CenterShop or Visit Fort WayneStore. Fortunately a lot of the old out of copyright pre-1923 are digitized on the Internet Archive. See video below how to use the Internet Archive.
Research with Internet Archive posted Apr 12, 2020 by Allen County Public Library on YouTube
While Internet Archive is known for providing free digital access to millions of types of materials, they are also digitizing and offering genealogy materials. They even have a partnership with the Allen County Public Library to digitize genealogy materials. Learn more about what is available and how to access the records. Check out Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/ Learn more at
The Genealogy Center at the
Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
A short 9 minute video How to Use the Internet Archive for Genealogy by Family Tree Magazine on YouTube.
Some of the many available Fort Wayne ebooks are listed more or less alphabetically below:
Struggles in the old Northwest and Kentucky by the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, 1954 on Archive.org. The Foreword says the newspaper articles were originally published in the Indianapolis Indiana Journal on June 8 and June 29, 1833.
Books About Fort Wayne
- Fort Wayne ebooks on Archive.org
- Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County has over 60 book titles for local people and history
- Digital Public Library has online access to thousands of historic materials.
- Hyperlocal history Publisher builds national imprint through tight focus on communities by Ron Charles of the Washington Post, published March 31, 2019 in The Journal Gazette newspaper.
- African Americans in Fort Wayne: The First 200 Years by Dodie Marie Miller, 2000, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9780738507156
- Along the Heritage Trail - short articles by Tom Castaldi, local historianon FortWayne.com Fort Wayne Newspapers
- Ancestors & descendants of Levin James Chatham and Naomi Elizabeth Eshom family (2000) - Chatham, George (George Marion), 1948-
Includes bibliographical references and index, of Fort Wayne, Indiana - Annual report of the Board of Park Commissioners by Fort Wayne (Ind.). Board of Park Commissioners Publication date 1912
- A sketch of early Fort Wayne by Robertson, Robert Stoddart, 1839-1936; Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County Publication date 1959
- Baseball in Fort Wayne by Chad Gramling, 2007, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9780738541297
- The beautiful city of Fort Wayne / by J. Murray Jordan by Jordan, J. Murray Publication date 1906 - photos
The Bones of Kekionga
,The March to Kekionga
, andThe Siege at Kekionga
are meticulously researched novellas about late 1700's encounters between Native Americans and American settlers, including battles led by Chief Little Turtle, General Josiah Harmar, and General Anthony Wayne by Jim Pickett a local history teacher. See his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BonesofKekionga or website: https://jimpickettbooks.com/ - Builders of Greater Fort Wayne, A Collection of Portraits of the Men of Today Who Are Carrying on the Work of the Fathers in the Making of "The Wonder City of Midwestern America" published in 1926 by Bert J Griswold. The book has been indexed, photocopied and posted on the The Genealogy Center web site.
- The burgeoning interest in local history in Fort Wayne 1887-1894 by Potterf, Rex M; Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County; Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society Publication date 1968
- Canal celebrations in old Fort Wayne by Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County. cn Publication date 1953
- Charcoal sketches of old times in Fort Wayne - Dawson, John W., 1820-1877
- Charter and revised ordinances of the city of Fort Wayne : to which is prefixed a chronological roster of officers from 1840 to 1887 by Fort Wayne (Ind.); Fort Wayne (Ind.). Common Council Publication date 1887
- City charter, city of Fort Wayne by Indiana. General Assembly
Classic Restaurants of Fort Wayne by Keith Elchert and Laura Weston, 2019, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9781625859549 .
Description: With an abundance of appetizing eateries comes a wealth of memories. George Motz, author of Hamburger America, refers to Powers as "one of the greatest slider emporiums in America." The Hobby House provided the first restaurant experience for Dave Thomas, known worldwide as founder and pitchman for the Wendy's hamburger chain. Nine Mile Restaurant, which first opened as a tavern in 1837, competes for recognition as Indiana's oldest bar. During a campaign stop one month before his assassination, Robert F. Kennedy boasted that Zoli's on Broadway made "the best food I ever ate." Authors Keith Elchert and Laura Weston celebrate the savory and the sweet sides of the Summit City.
See Book highlights city's 'Classic' eateries by Kimberly Dupps Truesdell published March 6, 2019 in The Journal Gazette newspaper and KEVIN LEININGER: If you like food and history, new look at Fort Wayne’s past gives you something to devour Kevin Leininger April 11, 2019 in The News-Sentinel newspaper archived on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.I had a mighty tasty conversation w/ Laura Weston & Keith Elchert about their new book, 'Classic Restaurants of Fort...
Posted by Julia Meek on Wednesday, May 15, 2019Wednesday, May 15, 2019 post by Julia Meek on Facebook:
I had a mighty tasty conversation w/ Laura Weston & Keith Elchert about their new book, 'Classic Restaurants of Fort Wayne.' If you missed it on Zach's ME, Ben'll run it at 5:45 on ATC & for another helping of story, catch the extended version of that on-air interview later today on our website (wboi.org) or right here on the 89.1 WBOI Facebook page.
Looking for your new favorite restaurant? Look no further! Laura Weston Barnes & Noble Visit Fort Wayne
Posted by Fort Wayne Business Weekly on Monday, June 3, 2019Monday, June 3, 2019 post by Fort Wayne Business Weekly on Facebook:
Looking for your new favorite restaurant? Look no further! Laura Weston Barnes & Noble Visit Fort Wayne
A book with bite: Fort Wayne writers dish on the local cuisine
- Colorful journalism in Fort Wayne, Indiana by Bredemeier, Herbert G Publication date 1966
- Commissioner's [sic] record, vol. C, 1848-1856, Allen county, Indiana by Monroe, Barbara J; Allen County (Ind.). Board of Commissioners. Commissioners' record, 1848-1858, Allen County, Indiana
- Early travelers to Fort Wayne by Riley, James; Teas, Thomas Scattergood; Fort Wayne and Allen County Public Library Publication date 1953
- The fort at the three rivers by Snow, Dorothea J., 1909- Publication date 1968
- Fort Wayne Aviation: Baer Field and Beyond by Roger Myers, Geoffrey Myers, Larry Myers, and Martin Kraegel III, 2012, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9780738588605
- Fort Wayne, Indiana by Ralph Violette, 1999, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9780738563398
- Fort Wayne by Randolph L. Harter, 2013, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9781467110662
- Fort Wayne a Pictorial Love Story published around 2010 has old photos from 1889 to 1950 in a then and now recreated photo format on facing pages. This book is only available at the Fort Wayne History Center. There is a Fort Wayne a Pictorial Love Story Facebook page by the same name. It was also mentioned in a May 24, 2018 discussion on You are positively from Fort Wayne, if you remember... Archived group only visible to existing members on Facebook.
- Fort Wayne College of Medicine ... annual announcement (1905) lots of different years
- Fort Wayne in 1790 by Hay, Henry; Quaife, Milo Milton, 1880-1959 ed Publication date 1955
- Fort Wayne, the frontier post by Roberts, Bessie K Publication date 1965
- Fort Wayne gamblers, 1865-1900 - Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County
- Fort Wayne with might and main : Indiana's busiest, happiest city / [compiled and published by Ralph E. Avery] by Avery, Ralph E. (Ralph Emmett), comp Publication date 1911 - wide range of photos
- Fort Wayne, Indiana : a presentation of her resources, achievements and possibilities ... (1913) Gardner, H. W., Fort Wayne News, 136 pages, on Archive.org.
A 1927 Book Promoting Fort Wayne, Indiana. An indexed book called "Fort Wayne, Indiana, The City of Commerce and Industrial Opportunities"; 1927. https://willennar.catalogaccess.com/library/36583
Posted by Willennar Genealogy Center: A Service of Eckhart Public Library on Wednesday, June 29, 2022Wednesday, June 29, 2022 post by Willennar Genealogy Center: A Service of Eckhart Public Library on Facebook:
A 1927 Book Promoting Fort Wayne, Indiana.
An indexed book called "Fort Wayne, Indiana, The City of Commerce and Industrial Opportunities"; 1927.
- 25th anniversary season, 1968-1969 : The Fort Wayne Philharmonic Orchestra, James Sample, music director by Fort Wayne Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc; Sample, James, contributor Publication date 1968
- Fort Wayne Postcards by Randolph L. Harter, Arcadia Publishing, 2013.
- Fort Wayne Through Time by Randolph L. Harter and Daniel A. Baker, 2018, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9781635000719: Overview states:
Most of Fort Wayne's buildings and architecture from the early- to mid-1900s has been lost in the last fifty years to modern structures or parking lots. Fort Wayne Through Time reaches into the area's largest public and private image archives to compare what was and what is. Included with each of the comparative sets of images is an interesting history of the structure, company, or event. Who were the Fort Wayne Daisies? What happened to the 5,000-seat League Park? When was the courthouse constructed? Where did Anthony Wayne's statue originally sit? Why was Reservoir Park built? These and hundreds of other questions are answered in this informative journey through Fort Wayne's past. Randolph Harter is a Fort Wayne historian and author of two previous local history books. Daniel Baker is an award-winning photographer who has been documenting Northeast Indiana the past fifteen years
.A long-time history buff and founder of the Fort Wayne History Roundtable, Harter was in his element in the research phase of the project
. Copied from Then and now, side by side Pair goes to great heights for updates of historic photos by Rod King published January 06, 2019 in The Journal Gazette newspaper. Book includes 1964 photos by Richard Stamat including the Palace Theater morphing in his video. - Gilded age in Fort Wayne, 1870-1900 - Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, half-title: Society in Fort Wayne, 1870-1900
- Griswold's birdseye view of the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana indexed for ready reference by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927; Hixon, W. W; Published 1907
- The Griswold-Phelps handbook and guide to Fort Wayne, Indiana, for 1913-1914 by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927; Published 1913.
- Some Fort Wayne phizes by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927; Published 1904
- Hard News, Heartfelt Opinions: A History of the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, by The Journal Gazette newspaper and Scott M. Bushnell, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 2007 - 197 pages
- Historic Photos of Fort Wayne, by Scott M. Bushnell, Turner Publishing Company, Sep 14, 2007 - Biography & Autobiography - 204 pages
History of Allen County, Indiana, Publication date 1880; Topics Atlas; Publisher Kingman Brothers; Collection allen_county; americana on Archive.org. History of Allen County, Indiana, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of it's prominent men and pioneers. Also contains maps of its several townships and villages, listing farms and their owners.
Plat Maps, 1880, Allen County, Indiana at the Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana has indexes to landowners and more. - History of the Fort Wayne Fire Department : extracts from Fort Wayne, Indiana, newspapers (Volume 3 1878-1886) - Weber, Donald Allen Includes index
- History of Fort Wayne, from the Earliest Known Accounts of this Point, to the Present Period ...(1868) - Wallace A. Brice, D.W. Jones & Son, Fort Wayne, IN - another link is below
- History of Fort Wayne, from the earliest known accounts of this point, to the present period : embracing an extended view of the aboriginal tribes of the Northwest, including, more especially, the Miamies ... with a sketch of the life of General Anthony Wayne ; including also a lengthy biography of the late Hon. Samuel Hanna together with short sketches of several of the early pioneer settlers of Fort Wayne ; also an account of the manufacturing, mercantile, and railroad interests of Fort Wayne and vicinity - Brice, Wallace A; Published 1868
- Index to History of Fort Wayne & Allen County, Indiana, 1700-2005 at The Genealogy Center.
- Headwaters Park: Fort Wayne's Lasting Legacy by Geoff Paddock, 2002, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9780738519715
- History of the Maumee River Basin : from the earliest account to its organization into counties by Slocum, Charles Elihu, 1841-1915 Publication date 1905
- Hoosier Aviator Paul Baer by Tony Garel-Frantzen, 2017, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9781467138499
March 9, 2023 post by Are You My Cousin?on Facebook:
How To Find & Use Google Books For Genealogy Research Are you overlooking this free source of genealogy ebooks? Explore how to use Google books to find thousands of free family histories!
- Industrial survey of Fort Wayne, Indiana by Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce (Ind.)
- Legendary Locals of Fort Wayne, Indiana by Randolph L. Harter and Craig S. Leonard, 2015, Arcadia Publishing : 9781467102100.
- Lincoln Collection - Welcome to the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection on Internet Archive. Browse by Title or Author.
- Abe Lincoln in Indiana - Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah, 1862-1927, Includes bibliographies
- Abraham Lincoln : a collection of anecdotes and stories (1900)
- Abraham Lincoln : a collection of anecdotes and stories told by and of President Lincoln, many of them heretofore unpublished (1900)
Also issued under titles: Abraham Lincoln: a collection of anecdotes and stories, and Humorous and pathetic stories of Abraham Lincoln, and Of Abraham Lincoln: a collection of anecdotes and stories - The life and speeches of Abraham Lincoln, and Hannibal Hamlin (1938) - Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
- Humorous and pathetic stories of Abraham Lincoln (1894)
- The Lincoln Financial Collection, Books contributed from the Lincoln Financial Collection held in the Lincoln Library, Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Over 2,000 titles digitized from the collection.
- Memorial record of northeastern Indiana published in 1896 by Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago has over 900 pages of Biographical Sketches.
- Men of affairs in Fort Wayne : reprinted from the Fort Wayne sentinel, 1907, Publication date 1907 on Archive.org. 200 page book with drawings of local men.
The caricatures in this Album are reprinted from the general series comprised of nearly one hundred of the leading men in mercantile, industrial and professional pursuits in Fort Wayne and published in The Sentinel under the title of “MEN OF AFFAIRS IN FORT WAYNE.” To meet a demand for the series assembled in a convenient form this album has been isued by The Sentinel.
Also as Men of Affairs in Fort Wayne at The Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana. - Men of progress, Indiana : a selected list of biographical sketches and portraits of the leaders in business, professional and official life, together with brief notes of the history and character of Indiana, covers all of Indiana, not just Fort Wayne. by Cumback, Will; Maynard, J. B; McGrath, Hugh J; Stoddard, William, 1899.
- Old forts of the Northwest by Hart, Herbert M, publication date 1963, online for 14 day borrowing at Internet Archive
- Outpost in the Wilderness: Fort Wayne, 1706-1828by Charles Poinsatte published October 17, 2017 EBook #55762 on the Gutenberg Project.
- Photo-gravures of Fort Wayne! : its artistic residences, business streets, parks and beautiful suburbs ; together with its largely diversified business and manufacturing industries Publication date 1889. There was a discussion of this book May 14, 2022 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook. A 2010 book Fort Wayne a Pictorial Love Story is based on 1889 photos.
- The pictorial history of Fort Wayne, Indiana : a review of two centuries of occupation of the region about the head of the Maumee River Volume 1 by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927; Taylor, Samuel R., Mrs; Published 1917. Also on ebooksread.com and much easier to read The pictorial history of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873–1927 including images of each page at Indiana Authors at Indiana University.edu.
- The pictorial history of Fort Wayne, Indiana : a review of two centuries of occupation of the region about the head of the Maumee River Volume 2 by Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph), 1873-1927; Taylor, Samuel R., Mrs; Published 1917
- Plan suggesting a civic center marking noted historic site "Glorious Gate" : embellishing entrance to the proposed Anthony Wayne Maumee River Parkway, Fort Wayne to Toledo by Hanna, Robert B; Bradley, LeRoy; Fort Wayne (Ind.). City Plan Commission Publication date 1934
- Principal industries of Fort Wayne by Fort Wayne, Indiana, Chamber of Commerce Publication date 1965
- Remembering Fort Wayne by Scott M. Bushnell, Ingram Pub Services, May 31, 2010 - 134 pages
- Reminiscences of old Fort Wayne by Woodworth, Lura Case; Daughters of the American Revolution. Mary Penrose Wayne Chapter (Fort Wayne, Ind.); Fairbank, Carolyn Randall; Hanna, Martha Brandriff Publication date 1906?] has photos
- Reminiscences of old Fort Wayne by Fairbank, Carolyn Randall; Woodworth, Lura Case; Hanna, Martha Brandriff; Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County Publication date 1953 - reprint lacks photos
- Robert M. & Martha A. (Archer) Stewart family bible : containing surnames Archer, Gibford, Holverstott, McCulloch, Rodgers, Stewart, Wilson, in possession of the First Christian Church, 4800 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN (1783)
- Bessie Pearl (Miller) Shaner : b 12 Oct 1890, d 26 Sep 1954 (19--]) - Fleetwood, Clarence Leroy, 1919-, Miller- Fleetwood Families.
- Souvenir of Fort Wayne, Indiana (1888) 1888 photo-like drawings of old Fort Wayne on Archive.org.
- Souvenir of Fort Wayne (1906) on Indiana Memory Hosted Digital Collections at IN.gov. Description: This is pictorial souvenir of Fort Wayne, showing various sites, street views, buildings, and residences. Each image has a caption.
- Spitzer descendants of Hans Bartholomeaus Spitzer (Summer 2008) - Chatham, George (George Marion), 1948-, Includes index, printed Fort Wayne, Indiana
- Standard atlas of Allen County, Indiana : including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county; map of the state, United States and world; patrons directory, reference business directory and departments devoted to general information by the Geo. A. Ogle & Co. of Chicago in 1898 has lots of interesting maps of the county, townships and the United States. Perhaps most surprising is Portrait Department of locally promient citizens starting on page 94.
- Stevens family bible : now belonging to Linda Handlin, Fort Wayne, Indiana
- Streets of Fort Wayne McCoy, Angus Cameron, from "a speech before the Quest Club, November 30, 1945," prepared by the staff of the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County.
- Stories about the history of Poe : Allen County, Indiana, on the letterhead of Fort Wayne chapter, Order of DeMolay ([19--])y - 22 pages.
- Treasures : the Tri-State Loan & Trust co - Tri-State Loan & Trust co. (Fort Wayne, Ind.) bound Jan 3, 1940 - listing of artworks at the bank, paintings, etchings, bronzes
- “Three Rivers Festival” by Lori Graf, 2018, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9781467128438
- Twentieth century history of Fort Wayne by John Ankenbruck, Twentieth Century Historical Fort Wayne, Inc., 1975 - 626 pages
- The Twining family (1905) - Twining, Thomas J. (Thomas Jefferson), b. 1851, comp, printed at Fort Wayne, Indiana
- Valley of the upper Maumee River, with historical account of Allen County and the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana Volume 1; Publication date 1889, Publisher Madison, Brant & Fuller on Archive.org.
- Valley of the upper Maumee River, with historical account of Allen County and the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana Volume 2; Publication date 1889, Publisher Madison, Brant & Fuller on Archive.org.
- Search The Genealogy Center online catalog for indexes in the library for this book.
- History of the upper Maumee Valley, vol. 1 and vol. 2 : [index]
- Early French settlers of Allen County, Indiana, an annotated name index manuscript "Abstracted from the Valley of the Upper Maumee River."
- War work of the Fort Wayne chapter of the American Red Cross by Taylor, Isabella Houghton, Mrs Publication date 1919
- William Henry Harrison, protector of Fort Wayne by Potterf, Rex M
- Wolf and Dessauer: Where Fort Wayne Shopped by Jim Barron, Kathie Barron, 2011, Arcadia Publishing ISBN: 9781609493349
- Wolf & Dessauer: An Album of Memories. Volume II., Volume 2, 2004 - 138 pages
- Your Summer Reading by Carmen Doyle published May 21, 2014 in History Center Notes & Queries blogdiscusses several new history books: The Iron Men of Indiana’s 44th Regiment is two volumes. Part 1: Biographies and Regimental Statistics with mini bios and Part 2: Formation and Photos details about the company during the Civil War; Salt: A Story of Friendship in a Time of War about a Miami Indian and pioneer boy in 1812; Shopping in Fort Wayne 1848; and two cookbooks, Blue and Grey Cookery: Authentic recipes form the Civil War Years and Johnny Apppleseed Cookbook: Favorite apple recipes of our land.

Genealogy Center image