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Allen County, Indiana Bridges
Allen County has dozens of bridges over the three rivers and various county roads over creeks and streams. However there is the Allen County government and Fort Wayne government with legal jurisdiction over their bridges. So there are separate pages for each jurisdiction.
- Bridge Inspections: Allen County, Indiana at The IndyStar appears to be every bridge over the three rivers and creeks.
- Former historic covered bridges: Aqueduct over St. Marys River, Broadway over St. Marys River, and Leo over St. Joseph River from page 6 Series 6: Indiana Covered Bridge Visual Materials from Collection # M0836 OM0476 COVERED TIMBER BRIDGE COMMITTEE COLLECTION, 1930–1979 Collection Information, Historical Sketch, Processed by Laurie Randall, Janet Schmidt, and Dorothy A. Nicholson, October 2009, Manuscript and Visual Collections Department, William Henry Smith Memorial Library, Indiana Historical Society,450 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202-3269.
Postcard photo of New Haven Bridge, Allen County, IN Built c1875 on Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges Covered Spans of Yesteryear.
- Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges Covered Spans of Yesteryear lists sixteen covered bridges in Allen County, Indiana
- Covered Bridges in Indiana Focus on Local History, Number 16, Order number 8503, © Indiana Historical Bureau, Originally published as a part of Indiana History Bulletin Volume 69, Number 1, March 1998
- The Covered Bridges of Indiana A quest to walk and photograph all the 92 remaining covered bridges in Indiana, USA WordPress blog.
- Indiana Covered Bridges List Dale Travis – Jan 9, 2024
- List of covered bridges in Indiana on Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
- Historic Bridges Inventory Summary & Results Indiana Department of Transportation
- SHAARD & IHBBC Map: Finding Historic Structures in Your APE 37 page document Indiana Department of Natural Resources
SHAARD Structural Surveys has information on historic structures
IDNR Historic Bridges IndianaMap GIO IndianaMap.
May 5, 2023 post by Indiana Department of Natural Resources on Facebook:
MAY IS HISTORIC PRESERVATION MONTH: The Indiana State Historic Architectural and Archaeological Research Database (SHAARD) allows users to search for information on known historic resources throughout Indiana. SHAARD includes data from the County Survey Program (Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory), the Indiana Cemetery and Burial Grounds Registry, Indiana Historic Bridge Inventory, properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places and the Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures, and a Historic Theater inventory [Indiana members].
Click on the points on the Indiana Historic Buildings, Bridges and Cemeteries map GIS map of SHAARD data.
To learn more about @INDIANA Indiana Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology, SHAARD, and the IHBBC Map, visit http://dnr.IN.gov/.../national-and-state.../shaard-database
- Allen County search on Bridgehunter.com: Historic and Notable Bridges of the United States shows 62 lost bridges. With a seperate page for Fort Wayne, Indiana.
- Allen County, Indiana and Bridges of Fort Wayne, Indiana on BridgeReports.com National Bridge Inventory appears to be the most complete list including bridges over ditches and creeks using National Bridge Inventory data as early as 1883.
- Bridges at Fort Wayne Public Works includes a map at City of Fort Wayne.
- Historic Bridges: Allen County, Indiana shows 22 bridges on historicbridges.org
- Covered Bridges and the Birth of American Engineering by Historic American Engineering Record National Park Service Washington, D.C. 2015. Posted June 7, 2022 by Heritage Documentation Programs, NPS on Facebook.
- Scipio Road Bridge has a Facebook page. Over 50 comments January 23, 2023 and over 100 comments to photos posted January 26, 2025 on True Fort Wayne Indiana History on Facebook
The old Stellhorn Bridge is our topic for Today’s Throwback Thursday. The c. 1885 bridge was built by the Smith Bridge...
Posted by ARCH, Inc. on Thursday, August 13, 2020Thursday, August 13, 2020 post by ARCH, Inc. on Facebook:
The old Stellhorn Bridge is our topic for Today’s Throwback Thursday. The c. 1885 bridge was built by the Smith Bridge Company of Toledo, Ohio. It was located on Lower Huntington Road and crossed the St. Marys River. During Prohibition, two federal agents were killed in a gun battle near this bridge. (Photo Courtesy of the Allen County Public Library Community Album)