INGenWeb gif Allen County, Indiana

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Date:  12/4/2021
From:  Keith Nuttle
Subject:  Family of Christina Detrick and Abram Peters
Surnames:  Detrick, Timbrook, Hawkins, Peters
Query:  I am looking for information on the above families. The surnames are of Abram Peters and Christina Detrick's children. Abram Peters Jr is unknown. Margaret Peters married George Hawkins. John Peters married Sidney Ann Mason. Abigal Peters married John Timbrook. Abram and Christina were married in Adams Co., Pa. They and their children all moved first to Stark Co., Ohio, and then to Allen Co., Indiana. Margaret and George eventually moved to Coffee, TN. John and Abigal raised their families in Allen Co Indiana where they died. I am trying to document the connections between the siblings as adults.

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