INGenWeb gif Allen County, Indiana

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Date:  11/10/2014
From:  SusieQ
Subject:  Martha Culp / Juanita M. Culp Kitcher
Surnames:  Lickey, Kitcher, Culp, Harshman
Query:  We are trying to trace a birth mom who was born as Martha Culp in Fort Wayne, Indiana on November 22, 1944. Her mother was Juanita M. Culp (maiden name is Kitcher, sometimes misspelled as Kitchen). Juanita had several marriages in Allen County and can be known as Juanita M. Harshman, Juanita M. Lickey and Juanita M. Ajero in Indiana. At the time of Martha's birth, Juanita was married to Paul Eugene Harshman, however the birth certificate lists the father as Jimmy D. Culp. If you have any information on this family's history your help is appreciated.

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