INGenWeb gif Allen County, Indiana

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Date:  3/14/2015
From:  Pamela Creighton
Subject:  Maiden name Truman or Freeman?
Surnames:  Hermsdorfer, Truman, Freeman
Query:  In 1887 Fred C. Hermsdorfer wed a Sadie E. Truman or Freeman in Michigan. Their records show Freeman, but research seems to lead me to believe it may be Truman. In Nov 1894 she filed for divorce in Allen Co., Ind. In Aug 1899, Fred C. died in California and his father, George A. was executor of his estate, 1-95. Hopefully one of these documents will have the maiden name of Sadie E. Also, there were 2 sons mentioned in newspaper articles that were named as sons of Fred C. Yet, in later research, there appears to have been a third. Do the Probate Records mention the names of his sons? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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