INGenWeb gif Allen County, Indiana

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Date:  1/25/2011
From:  Sharon Eisenach
Subject:  Looking for obituary for Stacy DeGranchamp
Surnames:  DeGrandchamp
Query:  I am looking for the obituary (hopefully with picture) for Stacy DeGrandchamp who passed away at age 17 in the year 2001, 2002 or 2003. I am putting together a family history/records with help of my daughter (Stacy's 3rd cousin). I was able to find the obituaries for Earnie and Evelyn which were recent (after 2003). Any help would be appreciated. Are you able to send this via email? [ACGSI Comment: Stacy DeGrandchamp lived from 29 Oct. 1984 to 16 Aug. 2002. To order a copy of the obituary, email You will be billed a nominal fee.]

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